Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Random Thoughts from 2016

Well, all of these are random thoughts (or things people have said to me) that I think are so dumb, but they also crack me up.  Good thing I think I'm funny if I have to live with myself forever, right?

Just because you are a couple doesn't mean you get the right of way.  A couple was walking on a path that could easily have room for three and a half people.  So, they made sure I had room to walk on the grass to the side.

Wash your hair.  This was my sister's advice on attracting boys.

Let's be honest; I'm shallow. Part of a conversation in which I shared that I would like to be attracted to my future husband.

When boys think they are too cool to date me, I'm just like, "It's okay. I'll just be single forever."

Your meal packaging says three servings, so you're obviously going to eat the whole thing. Actually, I think the packaging of the food that I was about to eat was four servings.  I still ate all of them anyway. Pistachio pudding--it's a weakness.

If I had a quarter for every time I've said, "I love you," I'd probably have a quarter. (I thought I'd try it once.)

I am so glad to be apart of the family. I see this on Facebook all the time.  It's written by people who are trying to seem friendly, but really they hate the family.  They just want everyone to think they are nice and skip over the fact that apart means away from.  They enjoy their time away from the family.

All my roommates are talking about their significant others, and I'm just over here drawing on my hands.

Shallmano  This one is more of a memory.  I thought this was a word until I truly understood the words of "As I have Loved You."  Children don't always know what they are singing.

Some of the scariest moments in my life are when I have a negative thought and someone asks me, "What?" And then I panic for a few seconds until I realize that I didn't say it out loud.  Truth.  I know that I have wicked thoughts, it's just scary when other people know my wicked thoughts.

You'll look like a man. This is my sister convincing me not to cut my hair.  Don't worry, I wasn't actually going to.

It's just such a good bruise I can't stop looking at it.  Just look at it!

When everyone says that I have straight, blonde hair, and then the hairs that come out of my head are black and curly: why is my hair so weird?  I had another conversation about my hair being straight the other day, maybe I should just wear my hair down, so people can see it's absurdity.

When your can'ting is so can't full that you really just can't. So you just go for a bike ride instead of homework.  I'm done with schoolwork.  My brain can't do it anymore.  So, I've gone on quite a few bike rides this semester.  And rollerblading a few times.

Dates don't exist in my life. Not even the ones you put on oatmeal.  I actually had a date a few days after I said this.  It was the kind you put on oatmeal.  It was in a Christmas cookie.

When I have to buy small or extra small clothing, I wonder how people smaller than me live comfortably.  When I hit my head on the shower head, I wonder how people who are taller than me live comfortably.  At 5'8", I am the shortest of my dad and siblings, so our shower is nice and tall.  I don't hit my head here.

What a great ending to the year.  It'll be interesting to see what weird thoughts I have in 2017.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Freaking Lemons. I Hate Lemons.

First, somehow I am still alive.  And yes, I am still alive.  Those who actually read my blog (my aunt) may be wondering where I have been for the last month.  The answer:  In an alley, getting beat on by my classes and others of life's lemons.  Beware those lemons; they tough.  However, I thought I would share some of my lemons with you.

Lemon 1: School
This semester actually has me worried that I might fail.  And then I won't be able to graduate.  I have to take these classes over.  Which I don't want to do because of lemon 2.

Lemon 2: BYU/Provo Culture
I have a different blog post all about leaving BYU that I was going to post at the end of this semester.  However, I guess I'm not leaving Provo.  I don't know why.  I really want to because I hate it here.  However, I'm at this point because of lemon 3.

Lemon 3: Revelation?
Frankly, I don't know how to receive revelation.  I had made up my mind that I was going back to Arizona (or just going to Hawaii) to do my internship or to work until I could find an internship.  I felt really good about this decision.  And then I didn't.  And then I felt like I needed to stay in Utah.  Why?  I don't know.  I hate it here.  I don't fit in.  The reason I don't fit in is because of lemon 4.

Lemon 4: Unlovable
Once upon a time, my companion told me that I was unlovable.  Don't worry, I don't actually believe that no one can love me (for the most part).  I just have a hard time feeling love.  I don't know why, but I can't seem to make myself feel love from other people.  I enjoy being around people, but I don't understand that people enjoy being around me.  I am working on it.  I think.  I am trying to destroy that belief system. It's kind of hard to destroy them because of lemon 5.

Lemon 5: Singleness
This one is kind of a double-edged sword.  My roommates are in relationships and want me to be in one.  However, the only boys that ask me on dates are ones that I know I would be a bad match with.  And I don't ask boys on dates because of lemon 6.

Lemon 6: Self-Confidence
I'm pretty sure I'm awkward.  I don't want to embarrass anyone by asking them on dates.  I don't have confidence when it comes to being social.  I'm afraid that I make others feel awkward if I talk to them.  And that's why I don't talk to people.  Okay, this may be the same as lemon 4, but it plays a big role in my life.  I just need to let faith and just doing it overcome my fears and insecurities.  I can be better than what I currently am.

Though this is condensed, it is an okay representation of the lemons that want to beat on me.  I have let myself down so many times this semester.  I have run away so many times this semester.  I just want to run away for real though.  I'm not doing so great.  Luckily, I remembered a song yesterday that helps me:

Somehow I keep going.  I have been quite useless this semester, but I'm going to make it.  I hope.  Only two more weeks.  I'm so ready to be done.  This is where prayer becomes my constant companion.  Where did happiness go?  I don't know, but soon it will be back.  I know it will.  I'm going to bring it back.  It has no choice.

P.S. Don't think about too much, but now lemons looks like a really weird word.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

How to Be a Happy Person

Eat Cookies
I do this quite often.  I luckily have a great roommate who makes cookies.  They make me feel better.  But, it doesn't necessarily have to be cookies.  You can have ice cream or cake.  Or if you like celery, you can eat that too.

Go for a Bike Ride
This one is great for just being outside and exercising, both which make people happier.  I know because I just do it.  This is also open for substitutions.  You can go for a walk or rollerblade or canoe.  Any of those options are great.

Be Quirky
Everyone has their own little quirks.  Embrace yours.  One of mine that I love is that I have a few favorite times of the day.  In the last few weeks, I have been able to take pictures of some of these.

And yes, that is my phone's lock screen.  I obviously don't "adult" like other people.  And, my name is apparently not a real word.  The second one may be a bit blurry, but I promise it is 1:23:45.

Watch Funny Videos

Trust in God

Bonus Guideline: Listen to Christmas Music
I know that lots of people refuse to listen to Christmas music unless it is December.  I am not one of those people.  Christmas music is one of my coping skills.  Whenever I am down, I listen to Christmas music.  It's full of Christ's love.  It's full of hope.  It's full of peace.  And it reminds me that I have a Savior that is always watching over me no matter what.  He knows things.  Humans don't.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Dragon Warriors

Recently, I posted a picture of some of my notes from General Conference.  Which is just this drawing:

I thought I should explain why I drew this, and how it came up.  I was listening to the talk of Elder Hales.  He was talking about kindness and compassion--loving those who hate you.  As he was talking about this, my mission came to my memory.  I had many companions.  And they did NOT like me.  (Okay, maybe two liked me.)  Why was I dwelling on the past?  As I thought about the past, I had a quote come to mind that has been attributed to many people, but the following picture shows who I imagined it coming from:

This reminded me more of my mission.  We had a member of the quorum of the seventy come to our mission, and he was telling us that we determined whether or not we would be good missionaries.  This reminded me of the part in "Kung Fu Panda" where Po's father tells him

I decided to be a dragon warrior.  I can let the past determine the future or not.  (I'm still working on that one.)  But, the greatest thing is not that I have any special talents or awesomeness.  There is nothing that makes me more special than anyone else.  I can be a dragon warrior because I work hard and fight for what is right.  This became a theme for my mission.  And, I still think about after.

This is why I draw dragon warriors.  I can be a dragon warrior.  Anyone can be a dragon warrior.

Friday, September 30, 2016

September is Over--Thank the Heavens and the Earth and the Stars and the Moon and the Sun and a few Clouds, and Probably Best to Thank God

I thought I would just sum up September in a series of pictures.

 Trying to Balance Everything

Giant Bowl of Green Food

 Blisters from Wheelchair Sports

 Never Making my Bed

Applying for Internships
If you know of some places with a CTRS in Arizona or Hawaii that may be willing to take an intern, just let me know.  I open for suggestions.  (Except in Geriatrics)

Running out of Clean Clothes
Okay, it was really pants and other articles of clothing that were completely dirty.  I thought I was going to have to wear my pajamas or workout clothes to school.

Pretty much September was a Murphy's law kind of month.  I was a bit irritable, and I have told my coworkers and classmates that I am sorry.  Let's just hope for the best in October.  Thank goodness September is almost over.

Monday, September 5, 2016

How to Look Like You Can't do Anything

Yes, here is another how to that is pretty much useless.  However, these how to lists are used quite often in my life.  Lots of statements about others may be overly generalized, but here is

How to Look Like You Can't do Anything

1. Be Quiet

When you are quiet, people can't really tell anything about you.  They think you are shy and most likely weak.   They assume that you can't do much.  They'll try to take charge of you because you obviously can't be the leader.

Once, I had a peer tell me that she doesn't trust people who are quiet, so she couldn't trust me.  So, she tried to get me to talk about myself and "open up" to her.  Let's just say something distracted us, and I didn't end up answering her questions.

The truth:
As someone who doesn't automatically speak up, I have the opportunity to observe people.  I am an observer.  I watch the ridiculously stupid things that other people do, and then I don't do those things.  I watch the amazingly smart things people do and try to obtain that intelligence.  Being quiet sometimes helps me better to actually do things.  I just don't do them right away, in order to make a better plan.

2. Never Give Up
When you struggle, people don't think that you are competent.  When you take a long time to complete a task, people start to wonder why you are even trying.  They want you to give up and let them help you because they already know that they are more competent than you.

The truth:
I work on my bike a lot.  I do all of my own repairs.  Which is why my hands often look like this:
Actually, I took this picture because that was the least amount of black that I had on my hand this week.  I had permanently black hands all week.

Once upon a time, I had to replace my crank set.  After replacing my crank set, my left gears (1, 2, 3) would only work on 1 and 2.  So, I needed to fix my bike.  I took my bike on campus to a fix-it station.  I worked for a while and was struggling with keeping the wire at the right length while tightening screws.  After a while, a girl who had been observing me asked me if she could help.  I guess my fixing was not to her standards.  I told her what I was doing, and then she didn't even know anything about bikes!  When it comes to bikes, I probably know a lot more than the average person.

My gears only work on 2 and 3 now, but I like those ones better than 1.

3. Be a Girl
When you are a girl, there are obviously lots of things that you can't do.   As a girl, I shouldn't be able to be the fixer of things.  I'm not supposed to know how to put things together unless it is arts and crafts (which by the way, I actually can't do those).  Less sarcastically, there really are differences between men and women.  We aren't the same.  Men and women are meant to be different, but let's not make a big deal out of it.  Okay?  That sounds wonderful.

The truth:
Once again, I was fixing my bike this week along with a bike at work.  For my bike, a man came up to me and said that he just saw me with an upside down bike, so he thought I needed help.  My reply, "Just putting my tire back on."  For the bike at work, the chain fell off when a girl wrecked.  A man was riding next to us, and I said, "Oh, I can fix that."  The man asked, "You sure?"  Seriously, how hard is putting a chain back on? Is there some special way to do it?  I just put it back on, no tricks.

Also, I'm not sure my brother wants me to say this, but I'm going to anyway.  When we were younger, we would sometimes walk to and from activities in the evening.  When we would walk home in the dark, he would tell me that if someone tried to mug us, I would be the one to beat them up.  And I knew it was true.

4. Don't Have an Athletic Build
When you aren't stick thin or steroidly muscular, people think you don't do sports.  People believe that you aren't proficient in a sport because you don't have the build that is typical of a sport.  If you aren't a stick, they don't think you run.  If you aren't muscular, they don't think you have power.

The truth:
I am able to play lots of sports.  I am not the best in any particular sport, but I do have the ability to play many.  I have had people lose games to me just because they thought I couldn't do it.  But, obviously I am beast.  I dominate.  Okay, not really, but I have sufficient knowledge and power to play most games.

Remember this picture from a few months ago?  I promise I can do a lot.

Don't underestimate people.  People are capable of pretty much anything that they put their minds to.  They just have to put their minds to it.  I know lots of people that decide that they can't do things, so they can't.  I have been one of those people.  Still am sometimes.  But, what you decide doesn't determine what others can do.  Be pleasantly surprised when people do things.  It's awesome to see what we can do.  God made our bodies and minds to accomplish everything that we need to.  Let's use them to do so.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Starting School Just Perfectly

School starts again next week.  And you know what that means--I'm going to do something awesome. And by awesome, I mean slightly awful.  But that's okay.  Life is for having adventures.  And by adventures, I mean consecutive awkward episodes where people just don't know how to help you.

Awkward Episode #1
I was able to be a part of homeless week.  Yeah!  It's that wonderful time in Provo where students are required to move out of their apartments and aren't allowed to move into their new ones until a week later.  Awesome!

I didn't sleep in my car even though I really wanted to just to say that I did.  I slept in a previous roommate's apartment.  And, I went home for a few days.  And then, I slept at the home of my step-family's cousins.  My stuff is in a few places.  Also, I have too much stuff, so if you want a bunch of random junk, raise your hand.  (Unfortunately, I can't see you raising your hand, so you may have to contact me differently.)

Awkward Episode #2
I don't have a phone right now.  Below is the email that I sent to a few family members (the ones that contact me the most).  You'll have to click on the picture to see and read it.

Awkward Episode #3
I haven't really had another awkward episode yet.  But, it's me we're talking about, so I'm sure something will come up.  I'm sure I will do something weird.  We still have half a week before school starts.  That is plenty of time.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

"Look for Your Spouse" Challenge Day #5-7

Sorry I was so bad at the last few days.  I wasn't home much.  I had typed up Day 5, but it didn't get posted.  So, here are the remaining days.

Day 5: Pray Really Hard

This is a concept that I used a lot on my mission to find people to teach.  I also learned from those experiences that praying doesn't necessarily get you what you want, but it does help you learn what God wants.

Today, I figured that I would pray really hard to find my spouse.  Sometimes people expect to find their spouse like a game that I used to play on the computer.  It's called Imo and the King.

Imo is given several challenges by the king.  One of the challenges is to pick out the king's daughter among a hoard of girls.  Imo met a genie on the way to the king, so the genie helps him pick out the daughter.  The interactive part of the story shows the girls with light shining in a circle around her.

If only finding my spouse was like that.  It would be the best to just be able to pick out a boy from a hoard and know who it should be with a circle of light.

Another story that I wish praying for a spouse would be like is the story of Rebekah and Isaac.  The servant prayed that whoever gave him water to drink at the well would be the wife of Isaac.  And, so it was. 

Day 6: Go to Class

I think this one can be summed up in a series of pictures.

Word of advice: don't save any general ed classes for your senior year.

Day 7: Give up

I didn't want to do this anymore, so I didn't do anything.  I don't think anyone was going to read all of the posts anyway.  Maybe I should have done something like bird watching except looking for men instead of birds. I give up.  Maybe someday, but seven days in a row is just much too much of trying.

Conclusion: I am bad at this whole looking for a spouse thing.  Maybe next year.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

"Look for Your Spouse" Challenge Day #4

Day 4: Waiting for a Date

This challenge is getting challenging.  I am running out of ideas already.  Today is Saturday, a day to relax a bit.  Maybe.  So, I thought that I would just use my lazy way of looking for a spouse and just wait for boys to ask me on dates.

. . .

. . .

I'm still waiting.

I have been asked on dates before.  It's happened.  This year has actually been record-breaking; I got asked on three dates.  I don't mean to scare boys, but I think I do.  I am a little rough around the edges.  And in the middle too.  I have a scary sense of humor and am a bit of a pessimist.  More of a realist, but slightly leaning toward the pessimist view.  It's gonna take a tough guy to date this.  Good luck to whomever it may be.

P.S. I guess if someone really wants to, he can take this as an invitation to ask.

Friday, July 29, 2016

"Look for Your Spouse" Challenge Day #3

Day 3: Dating Sites/Apps

Nope.  Nope.

Just no; I refuse.

Unless it's for farmers only.  Since we all know that I am a farm-y person.  I grew up in the largest suburb and use public transportation like a city native.  Very farm-y.  (I actually went to the website, but it required an email address to move past the home page.  Too much commitment for me.)

So, it's a no for dating sites.  Getting to a home page was as far as I could go.  However, dating sites have worked for some of my family members.  This includes my sister that got married this month.  Congratulations Cherise and Jensen!  That's right, you guys are now famous from my blog.  (To the five people that read this post.)

Jensen and Cherise

Thursday, July 28, 2016

"Look for Your Spouse" Challenge Day #2

Day 2: Use Facebook

The first step that I took was looking at my friends list.  I have 614 on Facebook. Of the 614, I think 25 were unmarried men about my age, and at least half of them are in a serious relationship.  Then, after I looked at the friends, I tried to figure out what to do next.  Send a flirtatious message?  What would I say?

"Hey babe, what's going on?  Want to marry me?"

Kay, that didn't work.  That is not in my comfort zone.  Never will be.  And, never should.  Please no one ever be comfortable enough to do that.  Weirdos.

Then, I remembered something that my brother showed me.  I could have posted on the page that my ward uses.  That would have been awesome.  Like this guy:

Some people have guts.  I don't.  Bless this guy's soul. Bless it.

Needless, to say, Facebook stalking and creepy messages aren't really my style.  It's not going to work for me.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

"Look for Your Spouse" Challenge Day #1

Hey fans!

Just kidding, I don't have those.

My Facebook feed lately has been full of the "Love Your Spouse" challenge.  Part of me is annoyed, but I also know how important it is to be married and to love the person you are married to.  However, I am single, so I decided to put a little spin on the challenge.  I will post for the next seven days what I am doing to look for my spouse.  So, here is day 1 of the "Look for Your Spouse" challenge.

Day 1: Family Search

I have a handy website ( that helps me with family history.  When I look at my family tree, I see this:

Today, I decided to try to find me a husband.  So, I pressed on that little plus sign.  It took me to a box that looks like this:

So many specifics!  I don't really care exactly what day he was born.  Hopefully the year would be in reasonable distance from my birth year.  It was so hard to decide where to start.  I finally decided to just plug in a name.

I went with Peter.  Don't ask me why.  I don't even know very many Peters.  I think I have known one.  I don't know where he is anymore.  I submitted it and came up with the following:

How could I not be a match for anyone?!  My only requirements were Peter, male, and living. 

When I switched, however, to the deceased option, I found a plethora of men.  But I'm not gonna marry no dead person!

So, looking for your spouse on family search is a bust.  But, it is great for family history.  You can find lots of dead people that you are already related to.  Some of them have stories and pictures attached to them.  And if you have stories and pictures, you can attach them to the names of your family members.  Then, other family members can read and look at what you have shared.  I highly recommend it.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Lessons from Self-Loathing

Something you need to know about me is that I struggle with what lots of people struggle with: self-concept.  For the most part, I understand that I can do a lot of things, maybe not the best, but I can manage.  But, I sometimes tip the scale into narcissism.  I just think that I am awesome sometimes.  However, my scale can also tilt in the direction of self-doubt.  For a brief period of my life, the scale has dipped lower in the self-doubt into self-loathing.

It was in this period of my life, that I came to understand the meaning of service and helping people.  When I help others, I am happy.  And, that was the answer to my problems. The End.  Wasn't that a good story?

That's really it.  I learned that I give my life meaning when I am helping others.  I am not the most social person, but I sign up for all kinds of things because I want to help.  Sometimes, I sign up for so much that I really don't have time to do my homework. (I know.  Bad Cami.)  I pass my classes.  That's what matters.  And, I help other peers in their classes.  Anyway, I surround myself with opportunities to give other people opportunities.  That's actually why I chose my major.  I want to be able to show other people that there is more to life.

I know tons of people who see themselves as worthless.  They are in the pit of self-loathing.  My cry to them: "Go do something for someone."  Put yourself out there.  You may not make many friends--I mean look at my small list of friends--but you will feel better about yourself.  You will be making a difference.  You will add to your self-perceived value.

Also, your worth is already great to God. (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10)  I know that God loves all of His children no matter what.  He wants you to feel that worth.  That's what helping others has done for me.

P.S. Sometimes helping out can mean wrangling rambunctious 6-year-olds

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Being Cami

Since my birthday is this month, I thought I would just write about who I am--because I am a very interesting person.  I can say that, now that I have more than two people who read my blog.  I have three!

So, here is a list of ten things that you probably already knew about me.  I figure that most of the people who read my blog know who I am and are fairly familiar with my character.

1. I'm a flight risk.  I run away a lot, which really means that I go places without telling people where I am going.  People don't usually notice that I am gone, so it takes away the excitement.  I think my family members are still learning about one of my adventures from a year and a half ago.  (I might have to answer some questions after writing this.)

2. I have an unrelenting desire to be different.  I have this joke (that nobody else thinks is funny) that I am actually hipster because I don't want to be like everyone else. So hipster.  I should wear my mom's vests from the 80's again.  I haven't worn those in a while.

3. I don't consider myself blonde.

4. I'm the awkward child.  You know how there's the genius, the classy one, the controversial child, the engineer, the popular child, etc.  I am none of those.  My siblings are those.  I'm the weird child about whom my parents and siblings just say, "Yeah, she's weird.  We decided to keep her though."  I am predictably unpredictable.  They know I will do weird stuff, but they don't know exactly what that stuff is.

5. I'm what is considered a jack of all trades.  And, I'm seriously a master of none.  In the last year, I have been on a Frisbee team, a  few basketball teams, and a softball team.  I'm not the best, but I have a basic knowledge of how they all work. It's also the reason I have so much stuff that I can't seem to get myself to throw away.  P.S. the picture only shows a very small number of the things that I do/have done.

6. I used to be really bad at answering phones.  Now, I am only mostly bad.

7.  My siblings used to refer to me as the human garbage disposal. There was a period of time when my sisters wouldn't finish all of their dinner, so they would hand their plates to me.  Also, I have eaten a box of pistachio pudding in one sitting.  It was only four servings.  It was during my freshman year of college.  I was known to eat a lot during those days, okay maybe now too.  But, at ward activities, whenever the bishop needed food to be eaten, he would turn to three or four of the boys and to me.

8. I make bird noises.

9. I pretend that I don't cry, but I actually do every few years.

10. I have a large family.  And, my love for them grows every day.  I'm still getting to know half of them because I am from a blended family.  I'm thankful that I am given time to do so.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Journals--A Remembrance of my Oddities

Today marks a special occasion.  I started my 12th journal today!  (Also, my dad and stepmom have been married for 5 years.  Happy Anniversary!)

You read that right: 12.  I have been writing in a journal since I was eight.  However, it took me over a year to write my second entry.  But, I have become more avid in my writing over the years.

I just wanted to say that I am glad that I have kept a lot of journals.  I have been able to read about how I have overcome troubles.  I have read about lots of stupid mistakes and realized that I can change.  I have written about how my faith has increased which helps in time of doubt.  I have also written lots of negative feelings which has been a blessing because it keeps me from saying them to others and hurting them.  I have been able to use my journal to think through problems.  I have been able to write down my adventures.  I have had a lot of adventures.  (This blog has a great history of some of them--mostly from my mission.)

And lastly, I think I am hilarious.  (It's a good thing because I have to live with myself forever.)  I write stupid stuff that cracks me up.  I am so weird that it is impossible for me not to laugh when I am reading some of the things that I have written.  This also includes all of my dreams.  I dream almost every night and remember them.  I like to write my dreams in my journal.  Some of them are just weird.  But, it's great for telling stories.

I know; my 12th journal is awesome.  My sister said it was "high class."  Oh yeah.  Let's just say I have an interesting assortment of journals.  Never leave me alone in the journal aisles of stores.

To read more Journal Epiphanies, click here.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Riding Bikes in Provo

Riding a bike in Provo is rough.  Some streets actually have bike lanes, so that is nice.  (Durham, NC does not have bike lanes.)  But, those bike lanes usually come to an abrupt stop.  This gives you a few options when riding.  Some streets have parking lanes.  The parking lanes can be pretty useful when there aren't any cars parked.  A second option is to just use the car lanes.  Some streets have the "share the road" signs, so this is completely legal.  It isn't completely safe, however.  If you are slow like me and decide to ride on the road, you're pretty much a goner.  A helmet won't save you there.  Or, you could ride on the sidewalk.  Most of the sidewalks in Provo are big enough for one and a half people to walk on.  So, if you are riding a bike, it's all you.  The sidewalks in Provo are also an obstacle course.  They have really good bumps and cracks.  If you go fast enough, you could get some sweet airtime.  I usually just biff it and get a bruise that covers the entirety of my knee.  Another option are the few trails in Provo.

I frequent those few trails.  They are nicer than riding on the wretched Provo sidewalks. However, I find that these paths are also frequented by roamers.  What are roamers?  Roamers are walking people who love the middle of the trail. They believe that the trail is for them.  If they are walking toward you, they move to the side.  Even if there isn't enough room for the both of you, they stay on the trail, so you get to balance on the edge, hoping you don't end up in the mess of tree stumps and roots.  The ones walking in the same direction as you are the worst.  You can usually find a small gap that would be just right for passing.  Just as you are about to pass them, they close the gap on the very side you are on.  Then you slam on your slightly working brakes to make sure you don't run into them.  You slide off your seat, and then come the terrors of the top tube.  And the roamers hardly ever notice.  They usually wear headphones, so they can't hear you yelling "On your left!" four times (or the bell that your friend has).  Those are roamers.  I usually end up startling them when I do happen to pass them.  I've heard a few shrieks as my friends and I have passed.

Now would probably be a good time to tell a story.  Here it goes.  Once upon a time, I was riding my bike to an interview.  Yay, nice clothes while riding a bike; it's already a good story.  (Nice clothes on a bike ride is just a way of telling nature that you are ready for the worst.)  Anyway, I came to a very narrow bridge.  I had to transfer from road to sidewalk because the trail I was taking ended abruptly.  At the bridge, I found a cement blockade on my right side, and a chain link fence on the left.  And a very slow man in the middle.  I decided to let him pass across the bridge before I started.  Then out of nowhere, there was another woman coming.  Both the man and the woman were walking in the direction that I need to go.  The woman was also slow, but I needed to get across before she started.  So, I decided to just ride very slowly across the bridge.

However, the man noticed me and moved to the right, so I could pass him.  I didn't want to pass him because there wasn't enough space.  But, he was slowly coming to a stop, so I had to.  So, I tried to pass him.  As I did so, I got really close to the chain link fence.  I tried to push myself away with my left hand, and it worked for a second.  I tried to push again to no avail.  And then, my handlebar got stuck in one of the holes of the fence.  The fence pulled my handlebars away from my hands and twisted them 180 degrees.  This means that my tire went the same way.  And, I kind of did.  But, my other tire was still going forward.  So, I landed on the ground.  The man was just standing above me staring at me.  My tan pants had a nice black smudge on them and a small tear by the bottom hem.  I quickly got back on my bike and told the man that I wouldn't try to pass him anymore.  I rode away.

I made it to the interview.  It was fine.

Though there are lots of things that I complain about, I really do love riding my bike.  It is my recreation of choice.  I'm not fast, but I love it.  It's my therapeutic recreation.  It gives me a lot to think about.  And it gives me ideas for my blog posts.

Also, here is a video by BYU Divine Comedy about Provo's transportation problems.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

The Dreadful Month of May

May is an interesting month.  It brings Mothers' Day, which we celebrate this weekend.  It also brings the anniversary of my mother's death and a few other important life events in my mom's and her family's lives.  My life has had lots of changes since the May that my mom died.  My family has experienced a lot of changes because of that one May.

Because of that one May, I had a brief experience acting as mother.  And let me tell you, it was hard.  I failed miserably (which is a reason I am afraid to get married and have kids).  I was mean, my siblings didn't listen to me, and I forgot a lot of things.  

Because of that one May, I gained more experience listening and observing.  I watched family members and mentally noted how each reacted.  I found patterns, and I listened to conversations about the patterns that others had found.

Because of that one May, I eventually gained a step family.  I have learned a lot from them.  They have had to deal with my nonsense and bitterness.  We all have had to learn how to adapt and love unconditionally.

Because of that one May, my support group was solidified.  I had many aunts, uncles, and grandparents come to my aid and to the aid of my siblings.  They provided meals for my family.  They helped us go clothes shopping.  They listened to us and tried to teach us life lessons.  (Sorry if you felt I wasn't listening.)

Because of that one May, I learned to turn to God always.  Because people aren't permanent and sometimes don't care, I detached myself from others.  (FYI, that's another reason I am afraid to get married.)  The exception is that I know God is there.  He listens to me and laughs with me when I say stupid stuff in my prayers.  I know that I can receive answers from Him.

Altogether, I don't think that you have to be a biological mom to be the needed help of a child, and you don't always have to be sad about losing a parent.  That might sound completely awful, but losing my mom has forced me to learn new skills (mainly interpersonal).  I may still be a bitter young adult, but I am learning.  I am gaining new skills and attitudes, hopefully for the better.

I probably haven't said thank you enough, so this is an attempt.  Thanks to my dad for being strong.  He lost his wife and dealt with five weird kids.  We were ungrateful and annoying.  Though it's Mothers' Day, my greatest thanks goes to my dad.  Thanks for trying to rebuild a relationship with me.  Thanks to my stepmom, for also putting up with the five weird kids.  Thanks for also putting up with my weird dad.  Thanks to all of my aunts and uncles.  Every one of you has helped tremendously.  Because of you, I have been able to see life in different perspectives.  Thank you to my siblings for not punching me more than once.

And just to end things on an awkward note, a little riddle/joke/verse about May:

April showers,
bring May flowers,
for the brides in June.
What else are May flowers for?


Sunday, April 24, 2016

I Actually Played My Game

Hey Friends,

Guess what!  I am still alive.  I survived finals and will be working over the summer.  I finally had lunch again with some friends.  All of the following lunches were actually last week, but I decided to read my books that my finals would be about instead of writing about my lunch adventures.

My first lunch contestant a few weeks ago was Tara.  Yep, we are really good at taking pictures.  She is my roommate.  Wait, not anymore.  She has been in the process of moving out yesterday and today and probably tomorrow.  She lost the game.  Below is the picture that I liked a lot better.  It captured my good side. Also, Tara's face is a lot more intense.

My next lunch was with Ayelen.  We used to be roommates.  She also lost.  I guess I am just too funny.  Or words just pop out of my mouth that I'm not even expecting, and then we laugh because we don't know what just happened or what to do.  It was great catching up with Ayelen.  I think I also would have lost the game if I wasn't allowed to laugh at anything that she said.

My last contestant was Brady.  He didn't like the first picture we took.  We were actually smiling, but he felt that this one pertained better to the entire lunch experience.  He also lost.  Surprise!  I think out of all my contestants, he has laughed the most.  We were in the same group for a class last semester, and it was quite entertaining to reminisce about our group project.

Altogether, I haven't had any winners in my game.  I just eat with a bunch of losers.  Ha!  Okay, I don't really think they are losers personality-wise.  Just no one has won my game.  I am going to have to get a really really good prize for whoever wins my game.  I need to be better at having my game more regularly.  I also need to make friends, so I can ask more people to play my game.

Thanks to everyone who has played my game.  I am thankful that people are willing to talk with me and spend time with me.  I am still not quite out of my comfort zone yet for asking people, but this is helping me to be more social (not necessarily socially acceptable).

Sunday, March 13, 2016

That Crazy Kid

There have been many comments to me about my busy schedule and unorthodox means of travel.  Among these has been the question, "How do you do it?"  To which I reply, "I don't."  However, the most common comment has been, "You're crazy!"  I know.  I know I am crazy.  It makes life interesting.

 If you have been one of these commentators, this post is dedicated to you.  If you have not, this portrayal of my usual week may increase your likelihood.

Wake up at 6:30 AM.  Maybe go to the track with my friend.  Go to a club officer meeting at 9 AM.  Sort things out until noon.  Go home.  Start laundry.  Try to read my Psychology textbook.  Clean my bedroom.  My room is a mess.  I can't find my desk.  Try to read other books for my classes.  Go to FHE.  Try to read some more but get distracted.  Go to bed around 11:30 PM.

Wake up at 5:30 or 7:20 AM depending on if I go swimming with my friend.  Go to class at 8 AM.  Then go to my second class at 9:30 AM.  11 AM means eating lunch while watching devotional or trying to read for my Humanities class.  Go to Humanities at noon.  It ends at 1:20 PM.  Walk home and eat a snack.  Try to read the Rec Management books.  Get distracted.  Talk to my roommates.  Try to find something for dinner.  Settle for cereal.  Check email and get distracted again.  Realize it is 11:30 PM.  Remember that I should read scriptures.  Start writing down a question for a scripture.  End up writing 30 questions.  Go to bed around 12:15 AM.

Wake up at 7:20 AM.  Get ready.  Go to class at 8 AM.  Class is until 10:45 AM.  Take care of club business until 11:30/:45 AM.  Go home and eat lunch.  Accidentally fall asleep while reading my Humanities book.  Good thing I have an alarm at 2 PM.  Get stuff together.  Walk 20 minutes to my car.  Drive 15-20 minutes to work.  Work 3-10 PM. Get home around 10:45 PM.  Find a snack because I am always hungry after work.  Read scriptures and write down lots of questions.  Go to bed around 12:30 AM.

Alarm goes off at 5:10 AM, and 5:19 AM, and 5:28 AM, and 5:37 AM.  Let friend know that I am super tired.  Debate about going swimming.  Perhaps go swimming at 6 AM.  Every first Thursday of the month, have a meeting at 7 AM.  Go to class at 8 AM.  Same class schedule as Tuesday, except no devotional, just reading.  Try to read book for 30 minutes before walking to car.  Work 2:15-10:00 PM.  Get home around 10:45 PM.  Get to bed around midnight.

Wake up around 6:30 AM to go to gym or the track with my friend.  Come home. Fold clothes that were washed on Monday.  (Sometimes they get folded the same day as the washing.)  Go to the temple.  Remember my assignment that was due yesterday.  Stress for a few minutes, about 30.  Realize all I can do is do my next assignments.  Decide that I need to relax for a little bit.  Watch a movie or take a nap.  Start riding my bike at 2:10 PM because my brother has the car for work.  Work until 10 PM.  Ride home.  Yes, in the dark.  By myself.  (On a few occasions, I have walked.  It takes about an hour and a half.)  Actually get to bed by 11:30 PM.

Wake up at 7 AM. Do my job for cleaning checks.  Maybe shower.  Maybe go grocery shopping.  Drop my brother off at work.  Do my hair.  Surprise!  I know it is hard to believe that I sometimes do my hair.  Work 3-10 PM.  Check email.  Reply to the seven new necessary emails.  (Someday, I'll get to those 100 unread.)  Bed by midnight.

Wake up at 7:20 AM.  Be to work by 8 AM.  Work until 3 PM.  Drive home.  Take a nap until 5 or 6 PM.  Eat dinner on my own or with my brother.  Play games.  Get to bed by 11:30 PM.
OR Sleep in until 9 AM.  Go to church and then go to work 3-10 PM.  Get to bed by Midnight.

I realize that there are lots of things omitted, like hygiene.  I sometimes have okay hygiene.  Also, I usually have a test each week.  Or a paper to write.  Or two papers to write.  I also realize that I don't use a standard time notation.  Please forgive.  Third, I realize that I have omitted much social interaction.  This is actually true.  As an exception, I did something with other people this Friday.  I was so proud of myself.

I hope I didn't bore you too much.  I hope you have the guts to get through your stress.  It only makes things bad if you let it.  Have a great March.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

How to be Super Single at BYU: A Self-Help Guide for Practically No One

In the past semester, I have had lots of random thoughts that I think are hilarious.  Others may not think that they are funny, but I do.  I just thought I should share some with you in the form of a "How To..."  My random thoughts are in italics.  Have fun.

Becoming Super Single

1. Realize Your Potential
You may start out with thoughts that you may want to date and find a future spouse.  But, let's not get too hasty.  Remember that your worth does not depend on your relationship status.  Remember that there are so many great things that you can do.  There are many things that you can be.  You have the ability to create or lose relationships.

One day a boy will think, "Hey, this girl might be fun to be around."  And then he'll ask me out, and I'll decimate that belief.  I think I already did that once.

There is a lot of power in showing people how "fun" you can be.

2. Remember Who You Are
After you realize your potential, live up to it.  Whenever a temptation pops into your head, remember the progress that you have made.  Remember what you have decided to be.

The other day, a boy had a picture quote on his Facebook that sad boys like it when girls sometimes text first.  I wanted to text him just because of that post.  But he would probably think, "Uh! Not this girl."  Be careful what you wish for.

3. Dress Modestly
This step may seem a bit confusing because people are told to be modest even if they do want to be in a relationship.  But, you need to go the extra mile.  This step is especially for girls.  You need to wear clothes that don't hug your curves.  I'll give an example, with this picture.

Oh hey, that kid has the same shirt as me.  Oh, wait.

If you thought the person on the left was a boy, you are wrong.  That is me.  And, I am definitely a girl.  So, dress like a boy.  This is definitely one way to not get asked on dates.  If they don't know what gender you are, they won't bother.

**The other girls look like girls.  Maybe you still thought that I looked like a girl.  I don't know.

4. Be Grateful
There will be people all around you that have boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, or engagees.  They will talk to each other about them.  These people are showing gratitude for what they have.  Although they may be in a different relationship status than is desired, you can still learn from them.  I was able to do this the other day as I was sitting in class.

When classmates open their computers and have pictures with significant others as their home screens, I just think, "I've got poptarts!"

Gratitude will help you come closer to your goal of super singleness.

5. Spend time with Family
Your family right now is all that you need. No matter what other BYU students say, you don't really have to have another relationship.  Family is so great that you should spend lots of time with them.  And then, post pictures together on social media.

Also, if it is your sibling that is the opposite gender, you should especially post those.  But don't tag your sibling or mention anything sibling related. People might think that you are in a relationship and will leave you alone.  I mean, people who want to be in relationship with you will leave you alone.  People who want a wedding announcement will not.

6. Work Hard
Go to school and work to pay for school.  These two things can take so much of your time that you won't have time to develop a relationship (or find any friends for that matter).

I don't have time for friends.  I don't even have enough time to do my homework.

As you stay busy, you relationship status will surely stay at the single mark.

Staying Super Single

Eventually, you will come to a point where dating seems a foreign idea.  You will hear a conversation from the table next to yours about how one of the girls is having a hard time deciding what to do because she went on four dates last week, each a different boy.

People go on multiple dates per week?  Wait.  People go on multiple dates per semester?

Then added by my brother:

Wait, people go on multiple dates?

At this point, you can finally realize that you are completely cut off from the ideals of BYU dating.  You have probably been single for a while now and plan on being that way for another while.  You have reached Super Singleness.  Congratulations!

Although you are Super Single, you constantly be bombarded by the need of other BYU students to be in a relationship.  You will be bombarded by the need of other BYU students to know your relationship.  They will want to set you up.  They will ask you your type.  They will ask you if you think anyone is cute.  They will tell you to flirt (which by the way, shouldn't come naturally to you now that you are super single).  If this gets into your subconscious, don't worry, it happens to the best of us.

I had a dream last night that I was getting married.  Then I woke up and was like, "Whoa whoa whoa, I'm note even dating anyone."

Your dreams do not define who you are.  (Else, I would also be married to a jedi.  And, my family would have been eaten by a tiger.)  Don't worry.  As you continue to follow these steps, you will remain super single for the entirety of your BYU years.

I congratulate you and wish you the best of luck.

P.S. It might also help if you wear shirts of sharks in space while pretending to have a lightsaber in grocery stores.  That could help your singleness.

Or if you are the annoying person who presses all the buttons in the elevator.  That could also help.

Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...