Monday, July 21, 2014

Don't Lie to the Police

Dear Family and Friends,

This week I lied to the police.  He asked if we had been at the church building on Thursday, and I told him that we hadn't.  Then some more questions were asked (also to other people) and we ended up being locked up for a few days until the ward mission leader came to bail us out.  I felt bad for my companion, but then we had a few people to talk to in those fine cells.  We passed out a few cards and read 1 Nephi 1-20 with Jared (the policeman who worked at the front desk).  He said he would come to church on Sunday, but he didn't.  I think he will come next week. 

That was the fun of the week.  We also set a baptismal date with Sister Kaye.  She is the nonmember wife of an in active member.  And, we have been teaching her in the hospital.  She has been doing well with reading the Book of Mormon. 

We rode our bikes in the flash flood.  A car splashed us, but it didn't do anything because we were already soaked.  I think I got trench foot.  Seriously, my feet felt tingly and had small rashes on them for the next two days.  Then, I put lotion on them.  Aah!  I know, I know, it is hard to believe that I used lotion.

We had two investigators come to church.  They are great.

Real Story
On Friday, we got to the church and saw that two windows were bashed in.  So, we called the building person (our first counselor in the Bishopric).  He came by and so did the building maintenance man (who just happens to be our ward mission leader).  They called the police, and Sister Doty and I were still waiting there for a member to come pick us up.  So, we were still there when the policeman came.  He asked us if we had been at the church building on Thursday, and I told him that we hadn't.  I had forgotten that we had done Facebook at the church on Thursday morning.  It wasn't a plan that we had, but it was something that we ended up doing.  So, Sister Doty had to tell the policeman that we had.  Then, I racked my brain to try to remember, and I did.  The policeman asked some questions to the other people at the building, and nothing came of my lying to the policeman.  Sister Doty has been joking about it though.  I honestly forgot.  I need a new memory.  

I hope all are doing well.  I love serving the people of North Carolina.  I love being able to see the gospel improve people's lives.  God really does have a plan for us.  Sometimes, I just want to ask what I am supposed to be learning from these things.  Something that is really causing me to grow is being a Sister Leader.  This transfer has been a really trying Sister Leader transfer.  Sister Doty reminds me of what to do before every exchange, but I always forget.  So then I feel bad that I didn't do it.  And, I have to account to President Bernhisel and with the sister I went on exchange with.  I have had to really try hard not to beat myself up for forgetting.  I don't do sister leadering well, so I really have had to just let things go.  I want to cry a lot because I know there are sisters who would do so much better than me.  I want to know why God wants me to do it.  He certainly didn't pick the best.  But, weaknesses make us strong.  Ether 12:27.  If . . . we humble ourselves.  Time to work on pride.  I am going to beat it up.  Don't beat yourselves up either.  We do not all have the same talents.  Don't compare yourself to others.  I know, I sound hypocritical.  This is what I have been working on my whole life.  Missions tend to take a magnifying glass up to weaknesses.  We see them a lot better.  I am not going to beat myself up this week.  And if I do, I give you permission to eat 3 gallons of ice cream.  I will give you the results next Monday.


Go with God,
Sister Turley

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