Sunday, March 13, 2016

That Crazy Kid

There have been many comments to me about my busy schedule and unorthodox means of travel.  Among these has been the question, "How do you do it?"  To which I reply, "I don't."  However, the most common comment has been, "You're crazy!"  I know.  I know I am crazy.  It makes life interesting.

 If you have been one of these commentators, this post is dedicated to you.  If you have not, this portrayal of my usual week may increase your likelihood.

Wake up at 6:30 AM.  Maybe go to the track with my friend.  Go to a club officer meeting at 9 AM.  Sort things out until noon.  Go home.  Start laundry.  Try to read my Psychology textbook.  Clean my bedroom.  My room is a mess.  I can't find my desk.  Try to read other books for my classes.  Go to FHE.  Try to read some more but get distracted.  Go to bed around 11:30 PM.

Wake up at 5:30 or 7:20 AM depending on if I go swimming with my friend.  Go to class at 8 AM.  Then go to my second class at 9:30 AM.  11 AM means eating lunch while watching devotional or trying to read for my Humanities class.  Go to Humanities at noon.  It ends at 1:20 PM.  Walk home and eat a snack.  Try to read the Rec Management books.  Get distracted.  Talk to my roommates.  Try to find something for dinner.  Settle for cereal.  Check email and get distracted again.  Realize it is 11:30 PM.  Remember that I should read scriptures.  Start writing down a question for a scripture.  End up writing 30 questions.  Go to bed around 12:15 AM.

Wake up at 7:20 AM.  Get ready.  Go to class at 8 AM.  Class is until 10:45 AM.  Take care of club business until 11:30/:45 AM.  Go home and eat lunch.  Accidentally fall asleep while reading my Humanities book.  Good thing I have an alarm at 2 PM.  Get stuff together.  Walk 20 minutes to my car.  Drive 15-20 minutes to work.  Work 3-10 PM. Get home around 10:45 PM.  Find a snack because I am always hungry after work.  Read scriptures and write down lots of questions.  Go to bed around 12:30 AM.

Alarm goes off at 5:10 AM, and 5:19 AM, and 5:28 AM, and 5:37 AM.  Let friend know that I am super tired.  Debate about going swimming.  Perhaps go swimming at 6 AM.  Every first Thursday of the month, have a meeting at 7 AM.  Go to class at 8 AM.  Same class schedule as Tuesday, except no devotional, just reading.  Try to read book for 30 minutes before walking to car.  Work 2:15-10:00 PM.  Get home around 10:45 PM.  Get to bed around midnight.

Wake up around 6:30 AM to go to gym or the track with my friend.  Come home. Fold clothes that were washed on Monday.  (Sometimes they get folded the same day as the washing.)  Go to the temple.  Remember my assignment that was due yesterday.  Stress for a few minutes, about 30.  Realize all I can do is do my next assignments.  Decide that I need to relax for a little bit.  Watch a movie or take a nap.  Start riding my bike at 2:10 PM because my brother has the car for work.  Work until 10 PM.  Ride home.  Yes, in the dark.  By myself.  (On a few occasions, I have walked.  It takes about an hour and a half.)  Actually get to bed by 11:30 PM.

Wake up at 7 AM. Do my job for cleaning checks.  Maybe shower.  Maybe go grocery shopping.  Drop my brother off at work.  Do my hair.  Surprise!  I know it is hard to believe that I sometimes do my hair.  Work 3-10 PM.  Check email.  Reply to the seven new necessary emails.  (Someday, I'll get to those 100 unread.)  Bed by midnight.

Wake up at 7:20 AM.  Be to work by 8 AM.  Work until 3 PM.  Drive home.  Take a nap until 5 or 6 PM.  Eat dinner on my own or with my brother.  Play games.  Get to bed by 11:30 PM.
OR Sleep in until 9 AM.  Go to church and then go to work 3-10 PM.  Get to bed by Midnight.

I realize that there are lots of things omitted, like hygiene.  I sometimes have okay hygiene.  Also, I usually have a test each week.  Or a paper to write.  Or two papers to write.  I also realize that I don't use a standard time notation.  Please forgive.  Third, I realize that I have omitted much social interaction.  This is actually true.  As an exception, I did something with other people this Friday.  I was so proud of myself.

I hope I didn't bore you too much.  I hope you have the guts to get through your stress.  It only makes things bad if you let it.  Have a great March.

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