Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Being Cami

Since my birthday is this month, I thought I would just write about who I am--because I am a very interesting person.  I can say that, now that I have more than two people who read my blog.  I have three!

So, here is a list of ten things that you probably already knew about me.  I figure that most of the people who read my blog know who I am and are fairly familiar with my character.

1. I'm a flight risk.  I run away a lot, which really means that I go places without telling people where I am going.  People don't usually notice that I am gone, so it takes away the excitement.  I think my family members are still learning about one of my adventures from a year and a half ago.  (I might have to answer some questions after writing this.)

2. I have an unrelenting desire to be different.  I have this joke (that nobody else thinks is funny) that I am actually hipster because I don't want to be like everyone else. So hipster.  I should wear my mom's vests from the 80's again.  I haven't worn those in a while.

3. I don't consider myself blonde.

4. I'm the awkward child.  You know how there's the genius, the classy one, the controversial child, the engineer, the popular child, etc.  I am none of those.  My siblings are those.  I'm the weird child about whom my parents and siblings just say, "Yeah, she's weird.  We decided to keep her though."  I am predictably unpredictable.  They know I will do weird stuff, but they don't know exactly what that stuff is.

5. I'm what is considered a jack of all trades.  And, I'm seriously a master of none.  In the last year, I have been on a Frisbee team, a  few basketball teams, and a softball team.  I'm not the best, but I have a basic knowledge of how they all work. It's also the reason I have so much stuff that I can't seem to get myself to throw away.  P.S. the picture only shows a very small number of the things that I do/have done.

6. I used to be really bad at answering phones.  Now, I am only mostly bad.

7.  My siblings used to refer to me as the human garbage disposal. There was a period of time when my sisters wouldn't finish all of their dinner, so they would hand their plates to me.  Also, I have eaten a box of pistachio pudding in one sitting.  It was only four servings.  It was during my freshman year of college.  I was known to eat a lot during those days, okay maybe now too.  But, at ward activities, whenever the bishop needed food to be eaten, he would turn to three or four of the boys and to me.

8. I make bird noises.

9. I pretend that I don't cry, but I actually do every few years.

10. I have a large family.  And, my love for them grows every day.  I'm still getting to know half of them because I am from a blended family.  I'm thankful that I am given time to do so.

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