This week featured siblings that live in Utah since they came back to Arizona for some holiday cheer. My contestants this week were Sarah and Schuyler. Apparently, we were all a little iffy about how the game went.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Second Week a Success
Sunday, December 20, 2020
And the First Contestant Is...
I had my first contestant of this rebooted game this week. I went to get some frozen yogurt with my younger sister Makenna.
We talked about my new job and mental health. We had some good laughs while we talked about some of the stories from my job. We also had a good conversation about how people are ultimately good even though we have differing opinions. Makenna did end up losing because she laughed at something I said, but I also laughed at some things that she said. It was a great start to the game. I'm excited to go on adventures with everyone. Sign up by commenting on this blog or commenting on the Instagram post. You can also send me a text, email, or Instagram message. I'm looking forward to some good laughs and quality time with family and friends. Also, Makenna likes going on walks and eating chocolate because it helps with endorphin production and/or absorption. Invite her on a walk; she's funny and is a great listener and validator.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
A Not Entirely New Yet Still as Exciting Game
A few years ago, I accepted the challenge of starting my own social game, which is documented in this post: An Exciting New Game. I have decided to reboot this old game and invite anyone who wishes to participate. The simple premise of the game is that I meet with someone for about 30 minutes (or longer if so desired), and if you laugh, you lose the game. Who wants in?!
In this rendition of the game, I am no longer eating lunch on BYU campus. And due to COVID concerns, there may be a few restrictions or adaptations. I will meet with the contestant inside or outside, at a place of the contestant's choosing, within reasonable distance. For those who make it through 30 minutes of conversation without laughing at anything that I say or do, there will be a grand prize. What that prize is, I have no idea at this point.
I would like to take a picture with each of my contestants. If you allow, I would like to share our picture and experience on my blog, just as I did five years ago. And then you will be famous to my five followers. I would love to get at least two contestants a week. Please contact me and let me know if you are in.
For fun, here are some past contestants. (And maybe repeats?) Obviously, I'm super photogenic.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
The Redeeming Power of God's Love
Lately, as I have prayed to God and have received my daily chastenings, I have noticed a common pattern. And I hope this is a pattern that others find as well. Near the end of my prayers, chats, complaints, grievings, or ponderings with God, I usually ask the question, "What else do I need to know at this time?" The answer is usually something along the lines of, "I need you to know I love you."
I need you to know I love you.
I don't really know what else to say except that I know that God's love has the power to change people. I would not be the person I am today without knowing that God loves me. Granted I still have much work to do and many things to improve, I would say I have come a long way. And it's possible for everyone. My hope is that all can feel God's love. And my hope is that all can have the desire to change because of God's love.
I know that I'm not the best at helping others feel God's love, and I would like to change. If there is anything I can do to help others, please let me know. I know people read this blog, but sometimes I feel that it's just pretty words (or lots of times, not so pretty) that just sit around. If you have someone in mind that I can pray for or reach out to, please let me know. I would love to spread God's love as far as I can.
And because it's Christmas time, how great of a time to share this love.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Alma 36:18 "O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me"
Alma 36:20 "And oh, what joy, and what marvelous light I did behold"
Sunday, October 18, 2020
The Secret to Moving Forward
This week, I got some unfortunate news. As I drove home, I cried and listened to my Jesus music. The first song to come on was "No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus" by Steffany Gretzinger. Near the end of the song, she sings,
I'm still in love
You're still enough for me
Still all I want
You're still my everything
Sunday, September 13, 2020
"Unto one of the least" has some of the best Easter videos that I watch any time of the year.
As I watched this video this morning, I felt an overwhelming need to re-see a situation that I have been put in and have made worse for myself. For years and years and years, I have struggled to forgive someone that came into my life even though I truly did not want them to. I have watched as they hurt people I love, constantly belittle them, and belittle me. I have struggled with forgiveness, what that means, and how I can release unkind feelings for this person. How do I not let this person hurt me and people I love anymore?Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Hear Him
I believe that God speaks to us more than we might think or more than we actually hear. It is our responsibility to understand how God speaks to us. And it is our privilege to receive words from God. He has infinite love and inspiration to pour out to us.
As an adult, however brief that time has been, I have experienced hearing Him as I have made the decision to go to college. Growing up, I never wanted to go to BYU. As I applied to schools in my senior year of high school, I applied to BYU just because I knew it was a good idea to apply to multiple schools. I was definitely going to ASU though; that was the only school I ever thought I was going to go to. When I got accepted to BYU, I knew without a doubt that I was going to BYU. There is no explanation as to why I knew this. It just felt right. It was the only school that I felt like going to. It was an indescribable and unprecedented knowledge.
A year or so after graduating from BYU, I was trying to make a few decisions about my life. I wanted to move back to Arizona. I was praying about whether to stay in Utah or Arizona. (Up to this point, the answer was always to stay in Utah, so that's what I was expecting.) I didn't really get an answer either way. At that time, the only thing I knew for sure was that I needed to go to college again. There was no way to explain why this was what I should do. I didn't even have a program of study that I was planning on doing. I had been looking at Marriage and Family Therapy, Recreation Therapy, Recreation Management, and Education programs. I had no idea what I was going to study, but I knew that I was going to go back to school. It was the only thing that felt right among all the decisions I was making at the time.
I wanted to take a picture of my tassels just to have a picture for this post. However, when I was taking the picture the temple picture was right next to my tassels. I felt it was rather appropriate because the temple is a great place to hear God.
I believe that God speaks to us more than we might think. How do you Hear Him?
Monday, August 3, 2020
Team Cami
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Prejudice, Privilege, and Spiritual Promptings
The history of the church is wrought with persecution. People were tarred and feathered, shot in their own homes, and dragged out into the cold. The people were beaten and killed in front of their own spouses, siblings, parents, and even children. Their buildings were burned, and they were told to leave. Yet, Joseph Smith told the women to live up to their privilege. It might have seemed hard to think about privilege when the people of Christ's church were being oppressed. The law was technically set forth for the freedom of religion, and yet the leaders of the country disowned them and even ordered them out and/or killed. So what privilege did they have? What was Joseph Smith even talking about?
Women have the natural capacity of charity, according to the Relief Society notes. They had strength in numbers and had the privilege to come to the aid of each other. They aided each other by bringing each other food, caring for one another's children while work had to be done, and helping with the work. They helped mend clothing and build homes. They even shared their homes when needed. They had the ability to teach their children how to love instead of hate. They taught their children what silent strength was. And I am a descendant of these women.
I come from a long line of strong women and men. I have been taught and shown how to help others and to discern others' needs. I have watched grandmothers take care of the sick and needy when they were also sick and needy. I saw my grandmothers save and earn to give themselves and the people around them more than what they had before. I've read the stories of grandmothers who were rejected by family and yet believed in love and caring for others. I watched my mother be inclusive to everyone and my dad also be inclusive. I can't say they're all perfect, but they have put in effort to make the world a better place.
I saw a sign the other day in a protest that said, "Silence is violence." And I have to say I wholeheartedly disagree. My ancestors have been a demonstration of silent strength. There is a time to speak up, and sometimes the action is being taken by those who haven't said a word at all. Those who do instead of just say are some of the greatest unsung heroes.
So, let's all use our privilege. Everyone has some type of privilege. I've had the privilege of growing up in a home where learning was highly valued. I had the privilege of growing up in a home where unkind things were not supposed to be said. I got in trouble a lot for that. I grew up in a home where we were taught how to work hard and be diligent. I'm not perfect, but I've made great changes in my life. And I can do better. I am willing to change, and I hope that I am kind.
"The Lord loves effort, and effort brings rewards." -- Joy D Jones
Saturday, June 13, 2020
"Have Courage and Be Kind" -- Cinderella's Mother
Just a picture I thought was "ugly stepsister" worthy. |
One of my favorite renditions of Cinderella has been Disney's 2015 live-action movie. The shoe is merely enchanted to never fit on anyone besides Cinderella. And the great theme of the movie is "Have courage and be kind." Having courage and being kind is not easy. As a stepsister, I have had many moments where I wasn't courageous or kind. I have been quite "ugly" in my behavior. And I have been rebuked for that. Even in the movie, there is a time where Cinderella says that she can no longer have courage and be kind. Cinderella almost becomes an ugly stepsister. Of course, because it is a fairy tale, Cinderella cannot actually no longer be Cinderella; she must keep her resolve and face the sorrow.
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Quotes: Movies Edition
Makenna: That is not Tortimer.
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Tortimer? |
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Your Mom
Disliking Mother's Day
- "I have a terrible relationship with my mother."
- "My mother passed away when I was six. The day represents loss for me."
- "I feel it's a mockery when my mom is dead, and my stepmom is manipulative and doesn't give a damn about us."
- "Everyone gets so caught up trying to value motherhood as a universal truth for all women. Not everyone will be a mom or wants to be a mom. For that group of women, mother's day sucks."
- "Because I miss my mom. A lot. And the constant reminders that she isn't there kinda really hurt."
- "It makes me sad and feel insecure as a Mother"
Liking Mother's Day
- "It's the day we're encouraged to celebrate the people who are so often the invisible foundations of our lives."
- "My mom is one of my favorite people on this Earth. I appreciate any day that I can shower her with some of the love and presents she deserves."
- "People don't often show appreciation for their mothers and take them for granted."
- "Because moms are the best"
- "Because motherhood is something unique. When you become a mom your world is not the same and you no longer belong to yourself."
- "Motherhood is so selfless and too many people look over how important it is. Even for those who do not have good biological examples of motherhood, there are so many women who help mother us and should also be honored and recognized for that."
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Genuine Kindness
My mom strove for genuine kindness for others and inclusion for all. I know my mom wasn't perfect, but she was a good person. Happy Birthday Mom!
P.S. This is literally the only picture I have of my mom and me. If anyone has digital copies of pictures of my mom that I can have, could you send them to me? Please and thank you.
Friday, April 17, 2020
2020 First Quarter Quotes--We ain't Dead Yet
Emmett: You know what they should do?!
Cami: Poop their pants?
Emmett: That's it! You got me.
Cami: What?
Emmett: I just wanted to see what you would say. It did not disappoint.
Quote of the day for January 9, when my aunt and I were trying to find a climbing route and a hiking trail: "Is this a trail?"
Talking about guards on hair clippers
Griffin: If you get a 1, that makes you a 1.
Cherise: He's got a heart of gold and a fake tooth.
Griffin: Baby, just go torture Cami.
Griffin: Dear diary, Chicken nugget!
Griffin: I graduated guys. It was . . . (pause) . . . thank you so much.
Dad: You don't know what "Man from Snowy River" is?
Makenna: Is that where the twins have to race? One of them is an evil twin?
Cami: That sounds like a Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen movie.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Making Happiness
I sometimes think this meme is used to describe me at other times anyway; I can have a very dark sense of humor. I apologize if it puts anyone on edge whenever they are around me. I haven't done anything terribly awful. And in good news, it's been a few years since I have punched someone besides my brother.
Now that I have gone on my first tangent, I will return to chuckling at empty shelves (and trying to keep it silent, so people around me don't think I am out of my mind). Also, I know that it really is of concern that there are supplies that people need that they cannot get. With that said, I'm not treating this whole Coronavirus thing as a joke, but I'm also not letting it get me down.
I have been asked several times in my life how I can be so happy when bad or unfortunate stuff has happened to me or how I can have so much faith. And as I reflect on how I can joke about things so much and find random things amusing or still be so happy when it seems the world is breaking down, I have come to find that there are two things that I truly rely on: a personal relationship with God and making my life as I want it.
A Personal Relationship with God
Provo, Utah (or birthday cake) Temple |
Making My Own Life
Doing Something that Terrifies Me |
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Keep Moving Forward
Monday, February 3, 2020
End the Stigma
But I'm also over here thinking, I haven't been to a doctor for 7 years. When I get hurt or sick, and my friends tell me I'm gonna die, I just say, "I'll walk it off."
So here's to walking it off. We all heal in different ways.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Of Yoda's Species
It's no surprise that Baby Yoda has taken over much of the internet. What may be a surprise is that I often get jokes from my cousins that I must be of Baby Yoda's species or that I will look like Baby Yoda when I am 50. This stems from my "youthful" appearance, but mostly from an experience we had a few years ago.
Once upon a time, when I was still in my mid-20s, I visited my aunt and uncle and cousins over the summer. We went to a restaurant while I was visiting. When the waitress asked for my order, I ordered a normal meal. And then she turned to my uncle and asked, "Can she order off the adult menu?" My uncle was confused but said yes, so I was allowed to eat an adult meal. We joked about it during dinner and were wondering how old the waitress thought I was. The funny thing about it was that she was probably younger than me as well.
My cousins all ordered from the not adult menu, and each kids' meal comes with a sundae. So, near the end of the dinner, the waitress brings out the sundaes. And she gave me one and said, "I ordered one for you too, so you wouldn't feel left out." So I ate my sundae as the 12-year-old she thought I was.
Eating the free kiddie sundae |
My aunt, uncle, and cousins now have a running joke that I am actually the oldest kid in that family. So whenever my cousins are arguing who is the favorite child, I have to put in a vote for myself. This year, we finally got family pictures with all four children, and I was sent the family Christmas card.
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Front of Christmas Card |
Back of Christmas Card |
Sunday, January 5, 2020
2019 End of Year Quotes
Books of 2024
Hey all! I know I am quite late on a lot of things. Here are all the books that I "read" last year. Audiobooks Ebooks Physical Co...
I have a few items of business that I would like to bring to the attention of my beloved fans. Actually, did you know that I have zero fans...
I just want to begin by stating that I am a sinner. And that my ward is full of absolutely wonderful people. Upon saying both of these thi...
Hey Peeps! It's been a long, long while. I haven't posted something substantial since July last year. I just wanted to give you an ...