Sunday, May 3, 2020

Genuine Kindness

I know I'm not the daughter that my mom wished of having.  I'm still a mess.  I'm still the wild child, the daredevil with cuts and bruises, the kid who says inappropriate things and makes jokes at inappropriate times, and the kid who riles her siblings.  However, I would hope that someday I could emulate at least one of my mom's attributes: genuine kindness.  My mom tried to be inclusive of everyone, no matter what they said, what they looked like, or what they believed.  My mom sought out the forgotten and encouraged her children to do the same as well.  My mom reached out to those who needed a little extra help, comfort, or compassion.  And I try to do the same.  I believe that all people are deserving of kindness.  You never know how much someone's life will change because one person believed in them or showed them that they are worth of being loved.

My mom strove for genuine kindness for others and inclusion for all.  I know my mom wasn't perfect, but she was a good person.  Happy Birthday Mom!

P.S. This is literally the only picture I have of my mom and me.  If anyone has digital copies of pictures of my mom that I can have, could you send them to me?  Please and thank you.

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