Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Secret to Moving Forward

 This week, I got some unfortunate news. As I drove home, I cried and listened to my Jesus music. The first song to come on was "No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus" by Steffany Gretzinger.  Near the end of the song, she sings,

I'm still in love

You're still enough for me

Still all I want

You're still my everything

It's as if Steffany took the confusion and mixed up feelings of my heart and put them in a song. I'm still in love with Jesus. (I know it is kind of weird wording, but in the moment, it was enough.) He's still my everything. No matter what comes my way, I somehow still have faith and believe that He is watching over me.

I maybe have cried myself to sleep the last two nights and several other times throughout the days, but I know I will make it.  Somehow I always do. The secret to moving forward is faith in Jesus Christ. When all else has failed me, Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father are always there.

Between the ages of 15 and 19, my support system collapsed, and I withdrew from people. I couldn't trust anyone to help me, and I turned to God. God was literally the only one who could help me. There's a lot of trauma from those years, and there's a lot of growth from those years. I am not the same person I was before then, and I am not the same person I was during then. The one thing that I will forever hold onto is how God was there.  And He will forever be the reason why I am able to move forward.

I invite you to seek God. Even if you want to shout and curse at Him, He is there and will listen. He knows your hurt. He will help you. I promise God is there and that He will help you move forward.

Another line that is repeated in Steffany's song is, "His faithful hand has held me all this way." It's true.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you’re going thru a hard time...but I sure do love reading your blog! You’re pretty amazing!!


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