Sunday, September 13, 2020

"Unto one of the least" has some of the best Easter videos that I watch any time of the year.

As I watched this video this morning, I felt an overwhelming need to re-see a situation that I have been put in and have made worse for myself. For years and years and years, I have struggled to forgive someone that came into my life even though I truly did not want them to. I have watched as they hurt people I love, constantly belittle them, and belittle me. I have struggled with forgiveness, what that means, and how I can release unkind feelings for this person. How do I not let this person hurt me and people I love anymore?

"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." (Matthew 25:40) The way that I treat this person is as if I am treating Jesus this way. Would I really slander Christ? Would I really ignore or mock Him? How could I do that to my Savior? How could I treat my Savior so poorly and still expect Him to love me and rescue me? I have wronged Him by the way I have treated this person. I should treat the person with love and serve him/her. I should show compassion.

With that said, I don't think we are meant to allow oppressors and abusers to continue to oppress and abuse. We are also "the least," and God would not have us treated as garbage. So what would Jesus do to His oppressors and the abusers of His people? He died for them and invited them to repent. He remained silent when being accused. He healed them. He threw them out of the temple. He commanded them to stay their hand. He rebuked and chastened them. He came to their aid. He called them out for being the hypocrites that they were. He offered them help.

What would Jesus do? Jesus would do a number of things. Today, I would like to offer an invitation. Look around you and see what you are doing for your neighbors. What are you doing well? And what could you improve? How do people feel when around you? Have you asked that to anyone lately? Have you asked anyone around you what you could be doing better? Talk with people and listen. Don't talk at them. Don't tell them what to do. Ask them what you can do. I need this invitation as much as anyone. I know I need to change, and I can do better.

Christ didn't die for us to stay the same.

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