Monday, September 29, 2014


Dear Family,

Well, it is officially the start of meeting month.  I decided to buy a bag of jolly ranchers last Monday to help me get through.  Here is the agenda:

September 26 -- Combined Mission Leadership Council
September 27 -- General Women's Meeting
October 1 -- Zone Training
October 4 -- General Conference
October 5 -- General Conference
October 10 -- Zone Conference (and hopefully watching Meet the Mormons)
October 18 -- Stake Conference
October 19 -- Stake Conference
October 31 -- Mission Leadership Council

I don't think I forgot anything, but there is a high probability that I did.  (I forget everything.) 

I threw up this week. . . in the church building.  I felt amazing after it was out of my system.  I did have to wash my clothes in the bathroom sink though.  It was all over me.  Then, I ran down the hall --yes, I ran in the church--to help Sister Judd clean it up.  I was so sad that I messed up the church and that Sister Judd had to clean it up.  So, I tried to help as much as I could.  Then, I knelt to help out and realized I had forgotten to get the mess off of my shoes.  So, I got it on my skirt again.  So, I had to wash up, again.  But, we got it cleared up.  And then we had coordination meeting.  A few days after, we went to the church and could still smell it.  And on Sunday the smell was gone, but the carpet was a little bit lighter in that area.  I ruined the church.  I am quite upset.  I left nastiness in the building.

Other than that, our week was rather uneventful.  I mean, it was Sister Judd's birthday.  Maybe next year will be better.  I feel bad that I was her companion for her birthday.  I am terrible at being a fantastic birthday happy whatever it is that helps someone have a great birthday.  I didn't know what to do. I was going to hang up a sign, but then the people who check our apartments decided to come that day.  So, there wasn't a sign.  And, I am the worst--I didn't get her anything. We went to the first two meetings listed above.  The first was interesting.  I learned a few things that might help our investigator who doesn't believe that Jesus Christ is her Savior.  Then, I learned a lot about covenants and the temple in the Women's Meeting.  We need to be prepared when we enter and make promises to our God.

I hope you are doing well.  I am so thankful to be a missionary, even though I have so much I need to improve on.  I have hope that this week will make me a better missionary.  Diligence: I need to work on this one.  Happy September!

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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