Monday, September 1, 2014

The Atonement is Exciting

Dear Family,

Our ward mission leader has an earring.  Funny and alarming at the same time.  He calls my companion Sister Duty, or Sister Dirt, or Sister . . . well he has a lot of names for her.  My favorite is Duty.  I don't really have a nickname.  Last time he just called me the girl in the green shirt.  That was nice.

Sister Doty and I taught at mission leadership council this week.  That was quite the event.  I thought that would never happen.  One of the sisters in our zone likes to call me Sister Leader Turley.  I don't really like that.  I think I just would like to be called Sister Turley.

We have slugs in our apartment.  We tossed out three this week.  We haven't seen any more since Tuesday evening, so I hope it is over.  Sister Doty makes me pick up all of them.

I read about the Atonement in Mosiah 16 yesterday.  It is really great.  That is the chapter that we will be teaching on Wednesday in our Book of Mormon class.  Lari said in her email that she watched "Because of Him."  I have been thinking that I want to watch that video on Wednesday in class because I love it so much.  I can't even count how many times I have watched it.  The very first day, Easter, Sister Boucher and I found a new investigator by watching it with him.

I don't know what else to write.  Emmettito is in the MTC!  Tres Turley misionarios!

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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