Monday, September 15, 2014

Instant Gratification--I like it when I get it.

Dear Family,

I was pleasantly surprised with an email from Sister Boucher this morning.  She is still in Dunn with Sister Olive, who she trained.  But, I was so thankful for the note that she sent:

"You will never guess who got baptized this weekend :)))
I hope I follow you to Durham. You plant good seeds." 

It followed with a picture of a boy before his baptism.  The boy baptized is Emanuel.  His mom is a less active member that I had the privilege of teaching.  She was actually visit taught by Dorinda, Grandma Hunt's sister-in-law, a few years ago.  I am so thankful that I get to be a gardener.  I don't get much harvest, but I am thankful to hear when others do.

It was great gratification to me to get this email.  I am a little narcissistic--that's why I shared it.

Oh yeah!  I have a new companion.  Sister Doty successfully arrived in Nevada last week.  So, Sister Judd is here in Durham.  We are already making plans for our being split next transfer.  It isn't because we don't like each other.  It just is that we have talked a lot about what we have hoped to have happen on our missions.  Our predictions involve her training in Durham, and I will open South Boston.  She hasn't trained yet, and she has 3 transfers left. And, I really really really want to go to South Boston.  I know I could do the work of the Lord.  I could plant some really good seeds.  But, I will do what the Lord asks of me.  I don't know what the future has in store, but I know it has to work out.

I wanted to share something that I read in my studies this week.

Moses 7:48  And it came to pass that Enoch looked upon the earth; and he heard a voice from the bowels thereof, saying: Wo, wo is me, the mother of men; I am pained, I am weary, because of the wickedness of my children. When shall I rest, and be cleansed from the filthiness which is gone forth out of me? When will my Creator sanctify me, that I may rest, and righteousness for a season abide upon my face?

I found a lot of similarities to myself in this scripture.  The hardest part about being a missionary is seeing all of my weaknesses.  I am tired of making mistakes.  I see the pain that I put people (mostly companions) through, and I hate it.  I know that is a strong word, but I have strong feelings towards this.  When I am discouraged, it is because I have made so many mistakes.  I realize that I need to fix the problems that I have caused between another person and me, and I end up making it worse.  I get tired of being unintelligent and annoying and rude.  I have been like this for 21 years.  That is too long.  I end up crying to my Heavenly Father wondering why I have to have so many faults and weaknesses.  Why do I have to keep making these mistakes?  Why am I so contentious?  As I read this scripture, I thought about the Earth being put into a fallen state because of the fall of Adam.  It is a curse of the earth to have weaknesses.  It is going to take a really long time (in mortal terms) to be free of my weaknesses and, forgive my language, stupidities.  I cannot wait for the day that I finally become like Christ and am perfect.  This is the hardest part about being a missionary.  I constantly see my weaknesses, and I don't have instant gratification for trying to improve.  It is slow and painful.  But, it is necessary.  I will eventually be a better person.  I am really going to love that day.

On a better note, I really am happy.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is changing my life for good.  The Atonement is real and changes my heart.  The Atonement comforts, strengthens, stretches, and perfects us.  It allows us to be people that we would not otherwise be able to be.  It allows us to make positive changes in the world.  It allows miracles to happen according to our faith.  It is the glue that holds our lives together.  I love the Atonement.  And, I love learning about it.  I am so thankful for the Savior.  I love that He loves me.  I love that He loves my family.  I love my family.  I love Jesus Christ.  I love a lot of things, like oreos.  I love to open mail from family that talk about all the miracles that are happening in their life.  I love to hear about what others are learning.  I am so thankful to be a missionary.  I am thankful that I am changing even though I have a really really really hard time seeing it.  I love the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  "I know who I am.  I know God's plan.  I'll follow Him in faith." (children's song)  I love all of you.  I love North Carolina.  I love planting seeds.  It's dirty work, but allows others to reap.  It blesses the kingdom of God.  And now, that I have said all of this, my closing testimony, I think I can pass away.  Just kidding!  I probably shouldn't put that, but I have a morbid sense of humor.  Let's see who reads all the way and actually gets to this part.  If I were reading this, I would probably just skim and miss it.  This letter is way too long.  I will probably have two sentences next week.  I love you.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

P.S. Sorry it is so long.  I can just rant sometimes.

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