Monday, July 1, 2013

God our Strength will Be

Dear Family and Friends,

It has been raining hard.  We have rainstorms every day.  Whenever we talk to someone about the weather, they have to tell us that it is the abnormal for it to rain like this.  They say that they usually have little showers every day in June, but it has been pouring.  When we go running, we have to watch out for a ton of puddles.

On Friday, I had an interesting experience.  Both of my companions are Sister Leaders (the Sister "Zone" Leaders).  Mission Leadership Council was held on Friday.  So, all of the Sister Leaders and Zone Leaders and the Assistants to the President and the President and the President's wife gathered in Knightdale to have the council.  Because of strange circumstances, I got to sit in the council.  Sitting and listening really put into perspective how new the large numbers of Sister missionaries are.  Not until recently have they even had Sister Leaders.  So, they have a lot of questions about going on exchanges.  It was great to realize how much the work is being hastened. I love the gospel, and I am glad to be a part of the hastening.

On Saturday, Bonita was baptized.  She was confirmed on Sunday.  She already got started on family history work this week.  She has been asking about the temple for a while.  We cannot wait for her to start doing baptisms for the dead in the temple.

After the baptism, we got a ride home from a member.  Then we rode our bikes to contact a referral.  It was the first time riding our bikes.  My bike was working great.  But, Sister Klingler's bike was having some problems.  She got it for $100, and it showed.  It worked alright until the person riding it realized that the other two companions were several yards ahead.  Sister Shaum and I had to ride the bike most of the time because Sister Klingler has asthma and cannot be riding a problematic bike for a few miles.  Also, since Sister Klingler is a bit shorter than Sister Shaum and me, the bike was a bit small.  My legs were coming up a little higher than I would have liked.  

I got to ride the small bike for the final stretch.  As we were entering the neighborhood, all I could do to keep going was breathe, "GOD our STRENGTH will BE (inhale) PRESS FORWARD ever CALLED to SERVE our KING" repeatedly until we were at the house.  The Upper Case words were exhaled and the lower case words were inhaled.  I have never been known for my endurance, so God was my strength.  It was all I could do. And, I made it.  Afterwards, I thought it was really fun.  Just the last stretch was complicated.

I know that God is our Strength. When we rely on Him, we are given the power to press forward.  But when we rely on our own strength, we are weak and unable.  I love my Heavenly Father.  I love Jesus Christ.  I love the Holy Ghost.  I am weak, but I am able to continue through the grace of God.  I am so thankful for this opportunity to serve my Father and to bear witness of His name. I am inadequate to bear the name of Christ, but Christ is so powerful and His message so sweet that the human inadequacies do not frustrate the work.  Only when we forget the Lord do our inadequacies keep us from doing His will.  I love all y'all.  I hope you are doing well.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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