Monday, July 22, 2013

City of Enoch

Dear Family and Friends,

A few weeks ago, the Wilmington 2nd ward had a change in Elders Quorum Presidency.  Sister Shaum and I got to have dinner with the new Elders' Quorum President and his wife last Sunday.  We asked him what his vision was for the Wilmington 2nd ward.  He told us that his vision was the City of Enoch.  I have somewhat adopted that vision.  I wrote it down. I then later modified it to have more meaning to me.  What exactly does it me to have a translated city?  I have come up with the idea that it means a city of avid temple goers.  We have to get ourselves and others to regularly go to the temple.  So, I have set that as my vision.  

I have also found my vision for myself as a missionary.  My vision is Alma 48:11-13,17,18.  This is the passage that describes Moroni.  Verse 17 is the verse that says, "if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever."  But, the verses that mad me realize that this is my vision were the first two that describe Moroni: strong, mighty, "of a perfect understanding," liberty, freedom, thanksgiving, and "who did labor exceedingly for the welfare and safety of his people."  His goal was to defend his people and bring them to safety.  That is my goal.

This week we said farewell to some members who are moving to Texas.  They were great at attending lessons.  We will miss them.

Every time I saw Sister M, I thought of my mom.  Her mannerisms are somewhat similar, and she is trying to teach her children the same things that my mom tried to teach her children.  She knows the gospel is true and wants to share it.  Her daughter will be attending BYU this year.  She came to a few of the lessons with some young women age girls.  She has a powerful testimony and the love needed to share it with others.  I am truly thankful that I got to meet the M family.

Family and friends, I am thankful to be out here in Wilmington.  I am already making quite a few changes.  I know that God lives and He loves each one of us.  God knows what we need; we don't.  We know what we want, but sometimes we have no idea what we need.  That is why we are all called to serve.  We need to reach out and show others what Heavenly Father knows they need.  I love you.  Keep moving forward.  Do the will of God.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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