Monday, July 15, 2013

Big Changes in the Wilmington Zone

Dear Family and Friends,

This week has been a bit interesting.  We had Zone Conference on Tuesday.  There, our district (and zone) learned of a few changes that are taking place.  First, here is a picture of the Wilmington District from Tuesday.

I tell a little about these missionaries from left to right.  Sister Klingler is being transferred tomorrow.  I will no longer be in a "tripanionship."  She will be a Sister Leader (our mission doesn't call them Sister Training Leaders because it is confusing with trainers and training leaders) in a different zone.  Sister Turley is me.  I was told at the end of Zone Conference that I will be a Sister Leader.  Sister Shaum is still a Sister Leader.  (I am sorry to Sister Shaum.  This is the best picture that was taken on my camera.  Elder Peck was not cooperating.)  Elder Peck and Elder Williams are the zone leaders.  They serve in the same ward as Sister Klingler, Sister Shaum, and me.

Elder Hook will be training a new Elder that arrived in Raleigh today.  Elder Winger is going home tomorrow.  The Brother who was taking our picture kept saying that he was afraid of meeting Elder Winger because he had heard such great things about him.  It was rather funny.  Elder Perryman is the district leader.  And, Elder Packard is a great pianist.

This week at Zone Conference, we learned about goals.  We had an "unofficial poll" by the zone leaders.  They asked who in the zone has met or exceeded most of the goals written in their planners.  From the response, we realized that we need to work a little harder to achieve our goals.  My companions and I also got to meet with the new Elders Quorum President on Sunday, and he also talked about goals.  So, what I learned is that we need to write down our goals.  And then do them.  We need to remind ourselves every day what our goals are.  As we remember what our goals are, we are more likely to achieve them.  I know that Heavenly Father will help us achieve our goals if we put in the effort to write them down, read them every day, and work hard.  I love all y'all.  Keep moving forward.

Go with God,
Sister Camille Turley

P.S. My aunt Lari asked if we are on Tornado watch.  My mission is a great target for Hurricanes.  The mission was told to start preparing before I even arrived.  We have buckets that we are supposed to put some belongings and food and other supplies in.  We also have a designated "safe house" that we are to go to if a hurricane is coming our way.  A few weeks ago, our district meetings were about preparation for storms and the different steps to take depending on the severity of the storm.

We have already survived the storm Andrea (just a bunch of rain).  And Hurricane Chantel is headed our way, but it should die down to just rain (if even that) by the time it reaches Wilmington.  I hope we have some good storms this summer.

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