Saturday, July 30, 2016

"Look for Your Spouse" Challenge Day #4

Day 4: Waiting for a Date

This challenge is getting challenging.  I am running out of ideas already.  Today is Saturday, a day to relax a bit.  Maybe.  So, I thought that I would just use my lazy way of looking for a spouse and just wait for boys to ask me on dates.

. . .

. . .

I'm still waiting.

I have been asked on dates before.  It's happened.  This year has actually been record-breaking; I got asked on three dates.  I don't mean to scare boys, but I think I do.  I am a little rough around the edges.  And in the middle too.  I have a scary sense of humor and am a bit of a pessimist.  More of a realist, but slightly leaning toward the pessimist view.  It's gonna take a tough guy to date this.  Good luck to whomever it may be.

P.S. I guess if someone really wants to, he can take this as an invitation to ask.

Friday, July 29, 2016

"Look for Your Spouse" Challenge Day #3

Day 3: Dating Sites/Apps

Nope.  Nope.

Just no; I refuse.

Unless it's for farmers only.  Since we all know that I am a farm-y person.  I grew up in the largest suburb and use public transportation like a city native.  Very farm-y.  (I actually went to the website, but it required an email address to move past the home page.  Too much commitment for me.)

So, it's a no for dating sites.  Getting to a home page was as far as I could go.  However, dating sites have worked for some of my family members.  This includes my sister that got married this month.  Congratulations Cherise and Jensen!  That's right, you guys are now famous from my blog.  (To the five people that read this post.)

Jensen and Cherise

Thursday, July 28, 2016

"Look for Your Spouse" Challenge Day #2

Day 2: Use Facebook

The first step that I took was looking at my friends list.  I have 614 on Facebook. Of the 614, I think 25 were unmarried men about my age, and at least half of them are in a serious relationship.  Then, after I looked at the friends, I tried to figure out what to do next.  Send a flirtatious message?  What would I say?

"Hey babe, what's going on?  Want to marry me?"

Kay, that didn't work.  That is not in my comfort zone.  Never will be.  And, never should.  Please no one ever be comfortable enough to do that.  Weirdos.

Then, I remembered something that my brother showed me.  I could have posted on the page that my ward uses.  That would have been awesome.  Like this guy:

Some people have guts.  I don't.  Bless this guy's soul. Bless it.

Needless, to say, Facebook stalking and creepy messages aren't really my style.  It's not going to work for me.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

"Look for Your Spouse" Challenge Day #1

Hey fans!

Just kidding, I don't have those.

My Facebook feed lately has been full of the "Love Your Spouse" challenge.  Part of me is annoyed, but I also know how important it is to be married and to love the person you are married to.  However, I am single, so I decided to put a little spin on the challenge.  I will post for the next seven days what I am doing to look for my spouse.  So, here is day 1 of the "Look for Your Spouse" challenge.

Day 1: Family Search

I have a handy website ( that helps me with family history.  When I look at my family tree, I see this:

Today, I decided to try to find me a husband.  So, I pressed on that little plus sign.  It took me to a box that looks like this:

So many specifics!  I don't really care exactly what day he was born.  Hopefully the year would be in reasonable distance from my birth year.  It was so hard to decide where to start.  I finally decided to just plug in a name.

I went with Peter.  Don't ask me why.  I don't even know very many Peters.  I think I have known one.  I don't know where he is anymore.  I submitted it and came up with the following:

How could I not be a match for anyone?!  My only requirements were Peter, male, and living. 

When I switched, however, to the deceased option, I found a plethora of men.  But I'm not gonna marry no dead person!

So, looking for your spouse on family search is a bust.  But, it is great for family history.  You can find lots of dead people that you are already related to.  Some of them have stories and pictures attached to them.  And if you have stories and pictures, you can attach them to the names of your family members.  Then, other family members can read and look at what you have shared.  I highly recommend it.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Lessons from Self-Loathing

Something you need to know about me is that I struggle with what lots of people struggle with: self-concept.  For the most part, I understand that I can do a lot of things, maybe not the best, but I can manage.  But, I sometimes tip the scale into narcissism.  I just think that I am awesome sometimes.  However, my scale can also tilt in the direction of self-doubt.  For a brief period of my life, the scale has dipped lower in the self-doubt into self-loathing.

It was in this period of my life, that I came to understand the meaning of service and helping people.  When I help others, I am happy.  And, that was the answer to my problems. The End.  Wasn't that a good story?

That's really it.  I learned that I give my life meaning when I am helping others.  I am not the most social person, but I sign up for all kinds of things because I want to help.  Sometimes, I sign up for so much that I really don't have time to do my homework. (I know.  Bad Cami.)  I pass my classes.  That's what matters.  And, I help other peers in their classes.  Anyway, I surround myself with opportunities to give other people opportunities.  That's actually why I chose my major.  I want to be able to show other people that there is more to life.

I know tons of people who see themselves as worthless.  They are in the pit of self-loathing.  My cry to them: "Go do something for someone."  Put yourself out there.  You may not make many friends--I mean look at my small list of friends--but you will feel better about yourself.  You will be making a difference.  You will add to your self-perceived value.

Also, your worth is already great to God. (Doctrine and Covenants 18:10)  I know that God loves all of His children no matter what.  He wants you to feel that worth.  That's what helping others has done for me.

P.S. Sometimes helping out can mean wrangling rambunctious 6-year-olds

Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...