Monday, July 28, 2014

Walking on Water

Dear Family and Friends,

Brother Pipkin was baptized!

Sadly, I did not get to go, but he was baptized nonetheless.  He is so wonderful.  I think I will tell you the story.  I don' t know if I have already, but here goes.

One sunny afternoon, Sister Boucher and I took a little bike ride to the library.  We saw a man sitting on the bench in front of the library.  We walked into the library to do our Facebook.  During the Facebook time, I thought please let the man be there.  We should have talked to him.    Through God's grace, he was still sitting on the bench when we exited the library.  So, we went up to talk to him.  He told us that he had been laid off of his job and had been searching for three years in the states of South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina for a job.  We ended up giving him a Book of Mormon and a card with the address to the church and our phone number on it.  He asked if we had a church bus, but we don't.  (We get that question all the time.)

Then, we bade him farewell.  We continued in our missionary duties for the next week and didn't hear anything from him.  Then another half week later, he called.  He asked if the offer was still good for a ride to church.  We exclaimed that yes it was still good.  So, we found him a ride.  It was fast and testimony meeting.  He bore his testimony.  He said that he had read from the beginning of the Book of Mormon to 2 Nephi 2.  Then, we taught him the Restoration after church and invited him to be baptized on June 28.  He accepted and made great progress.  He got baptized on the 12th of July.

That is my miracle story.

Also, this week, I have been studying a little more about Peter walking on the water.

I especially have noted the part where the Savior says, "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" (Matthew 14:31)  He just says it so lovingly.  He says it in a way that, to me means " you do have faith. Why do you think that you don't?"  I have really thought of this again as mission leaders once again tell me that if I have enough faith and am an elect missionary, I will have many baptisms.  As missionaries, we walk on water.  We are keeping our sight on the Lord.  Then, we get look around and forget our true purpose (becoming like Christ) and start to sink.  We forget that we do have faith.  We forget that we are walking on water.  Then, we have to turn our sights back to Jesus Christ and cry, "Lord, save me."  (verse 30)

Thank you for all that you do.  I love you.  Keep the faith and know that God is pleased with the faith that you have.  You are walking on water.  Know that you do have faith.  Thanks for all the sacrifices that you make to keep me on a mission.  I am thankful.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

P.S.  Sorry for the novel.  I guess I do have a lot to write sometimes.  It wouldn't seem that way from most of my other letters.

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