Monday, July 7, 2014

Everyone is Related!

Dear Family,

Random thoughts today.

We have been riding our bikes almost every day this week.  The hills must be getting smaller because it is getting easier to ride them.  Our favorite is the ride between the church and our apartment.  Heading to the church it is all uphill.  Sister Doty timed us one day.  She said it took about 35 minutes to ride to the church.  Then going home it only took about 10.  We just fly home.  It is so fun.  I got going really fast yesterday.  Sister Doty almost hit a deer a few days ago as we were flying down the hill.  (There are deer everywhere here.)

I have been studying faith this past week.  President and Sister Bernhisel want us to have studied all of the attributes in Chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel by our interviews in August.  So this past week was faith.  I was able to incorporate faith into all of my study questions this week.  It was really interesting. Now I will be studying hope until Sunday.  I love what Preach My Gospel says about hope: "When you have hope, you work through trials and difficulties with the confidence and assurance that all things will work together for your good."

Oh! The other thing is our member exchanges.  We have a hard time getting anyone to come out with us except our "reliable three."  The three sisters are Sister Yeates, Sister Michael, and Sister Rider.  Speaking of which, I have a question for Sister Cherise Turley and Elder Bloomfield.  Have either of you worked with a Justin of Michael Yeates?

Another question:  How am I related to Richard and Martha Turley?  They used to be in the Durham 2nd ward.

Also, on exchanges with the Chapel Hill 1st sisters, I found out that I am fourth cousins of Sister Oliver.  She went to Highland high as well.  But, I had up and she saw that I had Paynes in my family, so she was intrigued.  Our great great great grandpas are both Harry M Payne.  That was fun.  I have also found some Cluff relatives in this mission.  Sister Doty says that I am related to everyone in the mission.  Oh, and she has a relative who is married to a Turley.  Does anyone know of a Ruth Ethington Turley?

Go With God,
Sister Turley

P.S.  Are you ready for these Sister Missionaries?
A Sister in our ward gave us a bunch of old clothes.  And we just had a fun time trying on terrible outfits.

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