Monday, June 30, 2014

Using The Book of Mormon

Dear Family,

Bleh.  Once again,  I sit at the computer trying to think of something to say.  And I think, well, we tried to find people to teach again.  And we didn't have much success.  But, we did find a new investigator yesterday.  We introduced the Book of Mormon to her.  It is really great when we ask what people love about their church, and we read a scripture to them that goes right along with what they say.  Our new investigator is named Kaysha.  She said the thing that she loved about church was fellowshipping and hearing testimonies of Jesus Christ.  So, we pulled up Moroni 6:5-6 (I use this one a lot).  It talks about fellowship and remembering Christ.  Perfect!  Then we set a return appointment.  

Okay, for reals now, I don't know what to say.  We are missionaries.  We share the gospel and know that Christ lives.  He died and bled for us.  Not necessarily in that order.  He loves us.  And, we just build from there.  

We also have some good sized cockroaches.  So far, in all of my companionships, I have been the designated bug smasher.  Sometimes I use only my fist.  Then, I have to wash the bug guts off my hand.  Or lick it.  I did that only once. I don't think I'll do that one again.  I don't know what came over me--it just happened.

I love all of you.  Have a wonderful week.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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