Monday, June 23, 2014

In the Durham 2nd ward

Well Everyone,

I am now in Durham.  There is a phrase from one song by Elvis Presley that I have sung many times on my mission, and it only took me two days here to start singing': "In the Ghetto."  But, that is okay.  We are going to have a lot of fun.  We have the car every other week, so we get to ride our bikes and get rides from many members.  This week, we rode down a giant hill.  And, there was a speed bump at the bottom.  I was going pretty fast.  I think I may have gotten a little air as I sped over the speed bump. 

My new companion is actually an old one.  Her name is Sister Doty.  We were companions for about a week in Wilmington.  It was in transfer #4 when I had sent one companion to Norway and waiting for my new companion.

There is a saying that I have said several, many, multiple, a plethora of times, on my mission.  I said it a few times this week.  I say it mostly when we go into peoples' homes and we get to see how their lives have just been turned upside down.   The saying is "Moral of the Story: Keep the commandments."  We really can promise that if they read their scriptures, go to church, and all the other things we teach, they can change their lives.  The message we share can improve the qualities of their lives. I know that if we keep the commandments, we will not get into awful situations.  Our lives will not be unbearably miserable.  No matter what trials we go through, we can be happy as we do the Lord's will.

I love all y'all.  I hope you are doing well.  I am praying for you.  The Lord is preparing us for something wonderful.  That is something else I have thought a lot about.  I have had quite a few adventures on my mission.  I just think, "What is He preparing for me?  What is He preparing me for?"  Be excited that He has such a wonderful plan for you.  I really do love you.  (Or else you probably would not receive a letter.)  I love the Gospel.  I love my Savior.  He is help.  He is the way.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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