Monday, June 2, 2014

I hope they call me on a mission.

To those known as family and friends:

Well, I turn 21 this week.  You know what that means!  I get to serve a mission.  Oh. Wait. That may have changed a little bit.  I may be a little behind the times.

This past week may have been one of the best weeks of my mission.  On Tuesday, we emailed and then went to the Post Office to pick up a few of my packages.  We got to talk to 6 new people between those two activities.  Then we were able to talk to at least 5 more people throughout the rest of the day.  That was amazing.

On Wednesday, I gave the handbook thought in District meeting. -->side note to myself: devote time and attention combined with dream about dad and Griffin<--  Sorry about that.  I just wanted to remind myself later what it was about.  Then we went on exchange.  We had a great exchange.  We got two new investigators, who have already been to the Clinton Branch, which is the one just south of us. On Thursday, we got a call from a man we had met at the library a few days ago.  His name is Brother Pipkin.  He called to ask for a ride to church on Sunday.  So we called many members and found him a ride.  He came to church and even bore his testimony.  In his testimony, he said that he has already read 1 and 2 Nephi from the Book of Mormon that we gave to him.

After church, we had a lesson with him.  5 members were present even though they came in and out of the lesson due to interviews with the Bishop.  But, we invited him to be baptized on June 28, and he is willing to work towards that. I think Brother Pipkin is the key to gaining a bunch of trust from the members.  They just embraced him.  Everyone who passed him would talk with him and thank him for his testimony.  Brother Pipkin is a miracle.  We have met the elect!  "And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts" Doctrine and Covenants 29:7.   You never know--the person sitting outside the library today might just bear his/her testimony in your ward on the next Fast Sunday.

I love all y'all.  Keep moving forward.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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