Monday, December 2, 2013

Light and Dark

Dear Family and Friends,

A few random notes:  I am working on enthusiasm.  Some things in this letter may look sarcastic, but I am just fantastically happy.  Without happiness and enthusiasm, the work is dull and pointless, and nobody will want to hear what we have to say.  Also, we had no car this week because we are now sharing the car with the Spanish-speaking Elders.  Okay, those were my random notes.

Well, I think you all know that this week held Thanksgiving day.  I tracted.  YES!!!  I love it!  Well, that was my Thanksgiving.  I am so thankful to be a missionary.

Right now, one of the biggest struggles is darkness.  Winter is my fourth favorite season.  It is cold. It is dark.  It is cold and dark.  So, I think it makes my top 4 list.  Sister missionaries have to be indoors by the time it is dark, so at 4:30 PM.  When we tract for our whole mission, that is a struggle.  We can't knock on doors or street contact for 4 1/2 hours of the day.  We do our best to get appointments during those hours, but many times we end up having to stay in our apartment.  The darkness keeps us inside.

Today, in my personal study, I was in Doctrine and Covenants 10.  Verses 58-70 talk a lot about the character of Christ.  Jesus Christ is light.  He says, "I am the light which shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not."  Based on this,  I know that I need to work harder.  I can do it.  Sister Billings and I are going to find ten new investigators this month.  We are going to have two baptisms this month.  We are going to talk with everyone.  We will do our very best, our very very very very very very very best.  We love the people of North Carolina!  We are here to save them and let them know that they can turn to the light.  The darkness cannot stop us.  The darkness cannot stop investigators.  The Light will lead us to victory.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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