Monday, December 16, 2013

First Transfer Training Meeting

Dear All,

The highlight of this week was the 1st transfer training meeting.  Each new missionary and their trainer gets to go to this meeting.  So, this was my third transfer in a row going to it.  I also went to this meeting when I was out for my first transfer.  And, they say the same thing every time.  I knew what stories they were going to share, what role plays we would do, what scriptures we would read, and others.  So, at the beginning I was thinking about what the theme was of the meeting.  I decided that the theme was "Book of Mormon and Holy Ghost."  I have been trying to apply what I have heard for the four times that I have been to this meeting.  Then, it finally struck me that I was putting in an honest effort to use the Book of Mormon in contacting and lessons (there is always room for improvement, but that is besides the point), but I realized that I need to work a lot harder with inviting the Spirit.

So, this week, I have been working on inviting and recognizing the Spirit.  My studies this week have focused on prayer and faith.  My prayers have been more sincere this week.  I am trying to invite the spirit more.  

Below is a picture of the package I received from Grandma Hunt this week.  It is hard to see, but it is triangular.  I got it at the 1st transfer training.  I think the mission office knows that the mission president will see me about every week, so they just hold all of my packages and wait until my next meeting to have the president give it to me.  But, one of the assistants to the president, Elder Pollard, picked it up and asked me if I had received a bazooka.  I told him, "No, it is a giant Toblerone."  He asked me, "Really?!"  Then I responded that I didn't know.  At first I thought it was from Lari, and so I mentioned that she probably knew where to find one though.  And, yes I am in my pajamas in the picture (scandalous).

Thanks for all of the support.  I am sorry that my letters are so awful.  Thanks for all of the packages.  My roommate sure loves them too.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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