Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Adam Miracle

Dear Family,

Merry Christmas Adam!

I have a miracle story.  In the Wilmington 2nd ward, we have a less active man named Brother George.  (Okay, that isn't his last name, but I will use it here in this story.)  I met Brother George one time before with Sister Budge (I think).  We had a nice chat with him on his porch the first time we met him.  And he asked us if the church was sending sisters now to get him.  He also told us that he knew that he needed to come back to church and explained that he has gone through periods of activity and inactivity.

This week, Sister Billings and I were riding our bikes in a neighborhood, trying to find potential investigators and less active members.  We were heading to a potential investigator's home, but I yelled at Sister Billings (we have to yell to be heard when riding bikes) that we should turn around. I just thought we should go visit Brother George.  So, we knocked on his door.  He invited us in.  His wife was there but did not participate.  She is also less active but wants nothing to do with the church.  We were able to share 2 Nephi 19:6 with Brother George.  We then discussed the roles of the Saviour.  Before we left, he told us that we was about to give up hope again.  But, we were able to invite the Spirit into his life again.

The Zone Leaders said that they stopped by the next day, and Brother George said that it must be a sign that both sets of missionaries stopped by his home.  I love Brother George.  He may seem a little gruff at first, but he is so gentle.  He is funny, and he has a lot of love.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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