Monday, December 30, 2013

Keep on Keepin' on

Dear Family and Friends,

Well, I talked to my family on Christmas.  Apparently my aunt doesn't like that I don't write very much.  I guess this letter won't make her any happier.  It has been a hectic day.  I got to give my companion a trim in the back of her hair.  That was nerve-racking.  Yep.  Next, I am being transferred tomorrow, so I have been packing.  It is so hard to keep everything in two suitcases.  All I know is that I won't need anymore toothpaste or deodorant sent to me for the rest of my mission (and hand sanitizer and chapstick and floss  AND SUGAR).  Next, Sister Billings and I got to go to a blood drive that was being held at the stake center.  We had to lock up.  Then, we rushed ( I may have sped) to the Wilmington 1st Sisters.  We are now emailing.  Fun, fun, fun.  That's about it.  I will send some Christmas pictures next week.  (maybe)

Go with God,
Sister Turley

P.S.  Sister Billings is cracking up as she watches me write this.  I love all y'all.

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