Monday, September 9, 2013

Mormon 9

Dear Family and Friends,

This week has been a Mormon 9 week, in several ways.  I have had quite a few experiences with Mormon 9 that I want to share.  I have three in particular that stick out from this week.  The experiences have to do with my quadruple combination, finding, and teaching.

For my mission, I received a new quadruple combination.  I got my name on it and it closes with snap and it is nice and shiny.  As I have been on my mission, I have super-glued the edges because the outside leather wasn't really put on correctly, so it just has been coming off.  I have noticed that the snap comes undone easily.  And, around Alma 30ish, there are tears in the pages right next to the binding.  But, with all of this, I love my quadruple combination.  Then, we were reading Mormon 9 this week.  We were reading it with Adam.  I looked at a member's Book of Mormon and noticed that her copy looked different than mine.  I looked at my pages a little more closely and realized that I was missing 2-3 pages.  My copy didn't come with the end of Mormon 9 or Ether 1.  Luckily, we didn't read all of Mormon 9, so I wasn't lost.  I still know the Book of Mormon is true without having all of the pages in my quadruple combination.

Since I have been companions with Sister Budge, we have really been struggling to find people to teach all day.  We have had to resort to tracting.  I had become a little disappointed and wondered how I was disappointing the Lord to cause Him to not let us have people to teach.  What was I doing wrong?  In my personal study in the Book of Mormon, I was reading Mormon 9.  Mormon 9 talks all about how God is a God of miracles.  Mormon 9:21 says, "Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this promise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth."

I need to doubt nothing.

Right after church on Sunday, we had a lesson with Adam.  We talked about the Word of Wisdom.  We read part of this chapter with him.  I know that he can quit smoking as long as he trusts in God. I trust Heavenly Father, and I pray for Adam every day.  I know that he can do this.  I just want Adam to keep that every day, and remember the feelings he has every day.

God is a God of miracles.  Ask; He will hear you.  I promise.  I know.  He hears everyone.  He will help you find opportunities to share the gospel.  Go out and share.  Be lovingly fearless.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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