Sunday, January 24, 2016

Lunch with Roommates

Hey Family and Friends,

I have just completed week three of "Lunch with Cami."  I had two wonderful contestants that participated this week.  Both have been or are currently my roommates.  And, they have both been roommates with each other.  Woot!

My first contestant this week was Astri.  She is from Indonesia.  She laughs at every other thing that I say, so sadly, she lost rather quickly.  She also tells me often, "Cami, you make me laugh every day."  So, this was my time to shine.  It was a really good lunch.  She gave me presents.  (She paid me back for buying something for the apartment.)

My second contestant this week was Ashley.  Emmett was my guest host for Ashley's round.  Ashley asked if she would lose if Emmett made her laugh.  It was a tempting offer, but nevertheless I succeeded in making her laugh on my own.  Though we all three had some good laughs together.  It's good to be with friends.

I am grateful to get together with friends and make them lose.  Okay, really I am grateful that I just get to spend time with friends.  I think it has been helping me get through classes this semester.  I may not be doing well in my classes, but I have this time to forget about the negative aspects of school.  I look forward to more lunches with friends.

I also ate lunch with Cherise this week, but not as part of the game.  I just thought I would make a shout-out for her since people like being "famous" on my blog.  It was good to see her.  I don't get to see her as much since she has moved to the Salt Lake area.  We don't have compatible work schedules.  Bummer.

Have a great last week of January.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Another Week, Another round of Lunch with Cami

This week, I had three participants in my game.

The first was Jocelyn.  After we played the game, she told me that she tried not to laugh.  I didn't realize that anyone would actually take this game seriously.  She told me that once she saw me she had to hold down her laughter.  I guess it isn't my personality that is humorous, it's my looks.  Bummer.  (Jocelyn said that she wasn't laughing at my looks though.)  And, obviously we love taking pictures together.

Next was Chalese.  This lunch is the record breaker for the most laughing.  I must have been more boring during the other lunches. 

Fumi and I ate lunch together last this week.  Fumi was another tough contestant.  I think she almost won, but we had a few good laughs about the adventures of wedding planning.  Sadly, her fiancĂ© couldn't eat with us this week.  Hopefully soon.

If anyone else would like to sign up, there is still lots of time.  If you are too afraid that you will lose, don't worry, you won't be alone.  Come challenge my wit.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Lunch with Cami: Week 1

Well everyone, I know you are all anxious to hear about how my new game is going.  It is quite interesting.  And, I think it is fun.  However, I may be getting out of my comfort zone a lot more than I thought.

I have had a few people comment on the idea and say that they would be willing to play along.  And, I am not sure how many people have actually seen my post on Facebook.  I may be making some awkward calls to people that I slightly know.  Here is why I think my phone calls are awkward: I don't have high self-esteem.  I don't really think that people want me to be around them.  In high school, I never waved at people first because I was afraid that I would embarrass them in front of their friends.  I viewed myself as the weird, awkward, nerdy kid.  I didn't believe that peers would want their other friends to know that they knew me.  So, that is the reason that I put it in the hands of others to request eating lunch with me.  It will be awkward for me to call people because I still slightly believe that others don't want to be associated with me.  I don't want them to be embarrassed to have people see them around me.

I need to step out of my comfort zone.  I need to face my fear of rejection due to my belief that people will be embarrassed to be around me.  So, in a few weeks, I need to start making phone calls, or messaging people on Facebook because I don't have very many phone numbers.  I need to be more assertive.  But, I don't want to.  At least I have a few weeks to muster the courage to ask people to eat lunch with me.

I am sure you wanted that extra drawn out explanation of how the game is going.  That took a turn that was unexpected, even for me.  I think it is good to add a little more explanation to the game though.   This game isn't just for fun.  This game is a learning experience.

My very first contestant was Sarah!  Yay, she gets a special prize.  She got a prize even though I provoked her to laugh.  It was a good lunch.  I think she made me laugh more than I made her laugh.  But, I am glad that there was laughing involved.

My second contestant was Emmett.  As we ate lunch, he was a difficult one to crack.  He laughed a lot at his own comments, but I was rather dull.  Finally, I made mention of that fact, to which he laughed.  So, he also failed to make it through the game without my provoking laughter.

To all who might be considering playing this game:

It is highly likely that you will be sent home with a prize.  I have found that I am not entirely amusing.  So, if you want a prize, come eat lunch with me.  Or, if you want to see me laugh at my own jokes and not think the jokes are funny, this is the game for you.

Have a great week.

P.S. It's been an interesting first week of school.  I work a lot.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

An Exciting New Game

I have accepted the opportunity to be the host of an epic new game.  The game is called "Lunch with Cami." And yes, the invitation to host was given to me by myself.  But that's beside the point.

The Game:
I will eat lunch with someone for approximately 30 minutes.  It depends on how much time the contestant or I have.  During this 30 minutes, we will eat lunch and talk and have a few laughs.  If by the end of 30 minutes, I have not provoked the other person to laugh, then this person will win a prize (maybe a mint from the cannon center).

Really the game is simple.  All you have to do is sit by me while you eat and make sure you don't laugh at any of my corny jokes.  And then you win.  It would be nice if you talk to me too, but I guess that is technically optional.

The Reason:
So, you might be asking yourself, "Why?! Why is Cami doing this?"  Well, because I need to stop being a loner.  

Yep, that is pretty much it.

I have a hard time reaching out to people. A saying I have heard much: "There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone."  I am kicking myself out of my introverted comfort zone.  However, I find this way a lot more comfortable than just calling people up randomly.  So, there may be a bit of comfort in this plan.  I do anticipate that not many people will volunteer for my incredibly amazing game, so I will have to make some phone calls.  Making phone calls will be putting me in my growth zone.

How to Participate:
"Lunch with Cami" will take place on the BYU campus.  The game is open to anyone who is willing to come to BYU campus for lunch time.

You can leave a comment on this post or message me on Facebook to let me know that you are interested in eating lunch with me and possibly receiving a prize.  

There's a catch: you bring your own lunch.  I don't have the funds to purchase lunches for people.  (It's also why the prize might be a cannon center mint.)

Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...