Monday, July 28, 2014

Walking on Water

Dear Family and Friends,

Brother Pipkin was baptized!

Sadly, I did not get to go, but he was baptized nonetheless.  He is so wonderful.  I think I will tell you the story.  I don' t know if I have already, but here goes.

One sunny afternoon, Sister Boucher and I took a little bike ride to the library.  We saw a man sitting on the bench in front of the library.  We walked into the library to do our Facebook.  During the Facebook time, I thought please let the man be there.  We should have talked to him.    Through God's grace, he was still sitting on the bench when we exited the library.  So, we went up to talk to him.  He told us that he had been laid off of his job and had been searching for three years in the states of South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina for a job.  We ended up giving him a Book of Mormon and a card with the address to the church and our phone number on it.  He asked if we had a church bus, but we don't.  (We get that question all the time.)

Then, we bade him farewell.  We continued in our missionary duties for the next week and didn't hear anything from him.  Then another half week later, he called.  He asked if the offer was still good for a ride to church.  We exclaimed that yes it was still good.  So, we found him a ride.  It was fast and testimony meeting.  He bore his testimony.  He said that he had read from the beginning of the Book of Mormon to 2 Nephi 2.  Then, we taught him the Restoration after church and invited him to be baptized on June 28.  He accepted and made great progress.  He got baptized on the 12th of July.

That is my miracle story.

Also, this week, I have been studying a little more about Peter walking on the water.

I especially have noted the part where the Savior says, "O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" (Matthew 14:31)  He just says it so lovingly.  He says it in a way that, to me means " you do have faith. Why do you think that you don't?"  I have really thought of this again as mission leaders once again tell me that if I have enough faith and am an elect missionary, I will have many baptisms.  As missionaries, we walk on water.  We are keeping our sight on the Lord.  Then, we get look around and forget our true purpose (becoming like Christ) and start to sink.  We forget that we do have faith.  We forget that we are walking on water.  Then, we have to turn our sights back to Jesus Christ and cry, "Lord, save me."  (verse 30)

Thank you for all that you do.  I love you.  Keep the faith and know that God is pleased with the faith that you have.  You are walking on water.  Know that you do have faith.  Thanks for all the sacrifices that you make to keep me on a mission.  I am thankful.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

P.S.  Sorry for the novel.  I guess I do have a lot to write sometimes.  It wouldn't seem that way from most of my other letters.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Don't Lie to the Police

Dear Family and Friends,

This week I lied to the police.  He asked if we had been at the church building on Thursday, and I told him that we hadn't.  Then some more questions were asked (also to other people) and we ended up being locked up for a few days until the ward mission leader came to bail us out.  I felt bad for my companion, but then we had a few people to talk to in those fine cells.  We passed out a few cards and read 1 Nephi 1-20 with Jared (the policeman who worked at the front desk).  He said he would come to church on Sunday, but he didn't.  I think he will come next week. 

That was the fun of the week.  We also set a baptismal date with Sister Kaye.  She is the nonmember wife of an in active member.  And, we have been teaching her in the hospital.  She has been doing well with reading the Book of Mormon. 

We rode our bikes in the flash flood.  A car splashed us, but it didn't do anything because we were already soaked.  I think I got trench foot.  Seriously, my feet felt tingly and had small rashes on them for the next two days.  Then, I put lotion on them.  Aah!  I know, I know, it is hard to believe that I used lotion.

We had two investigators come to church.  They are great.

Real Story
On Friday, we got to the church and saw that two windows were bashed in.  So, we called the building person (our first counselor in the Bishopric).  He came by and so did the building maintenance man (who just happens to be our ward mission leader).  They called the police, and Sister Doty and I were still waiting there for a member to come pick us up.  So, we were still there when the policeman came.  He asked us if we had been at the church building on Thursday, and I told him that we hadn't.  I had forgotten that we had done Facebook at the church on Thursday morning.  It wasn't a plan that we had, but it was something that we ended up doing.  So, Sister Doty had to tell the policeman that we had.  Then, I racked my brain to try to remember, and I did.  The policeman asked some questions to the other people at the building, and nothing came of my lying to the policeman.  Sister Doty has been joking about it though.  I honestly forgot.  I need a new memory.  

I hope all are doing well.  I love serving the people of North Carolina.  I love being able to see the gospel improve people's lives.  God really does have a plan for us.  Sometimes, I just want to ask what I am supposed to be learning from these things.  Something that is really causing me to grow is being a Sister Leader.  This transfer has been a really trying Sister Leader transfer.  Sister Doty reminds me of what to do before every exchange, but I always forget.  So then I feel bad that I didn't do it.  And, I have to account to President Bernhisel and with the sister I went on exchange with.  I have had to really try hard not to beat myself up for forgetting.  I don't do sister leadering well, so I really have had to just let things go.  I want to cry a lot because I know there are sisters who would do so much better than me.  I want to know why God wants me to do it.  He certainly didn't pick the best.  But, weaknesses make us strong.  Ether 12:27.  If . . . we humble ourselves.  Time to work on pride.  I am going to beat it up.  Don't beat yourselves up either.  We do not all have the same talents.  Don't compare yourself to others.  I know, I sound hypocritical.  This is what I have been working on my whole life.  Missions tend to take a magnifying glass up to weaknesses.  We see them a lot better.  I am not going to beat myself up this week.  And if I do, I give you permission to eat 3 gallons of ice cream.  I will give you the results next Monday.


Go with God,
Sister Turley

Monday, July 14, 2014

Things happen. Do I remember? No.

Dear Family and Friends,

This week went by so fast.  I don't know what happened.  It just disappeared.  Probably because we had the car this week.  But, we get to start riding our bikes again this week.  We switch every other week from car to bike and vice versa. 

I asked my companion what happened this week, and her reply was, " I don't know."

Oh! Exciting.  We did get to go to the temple on Saturday.  One of Sister Doty's recent converts got endowed.  Funny thing, I saw the Hessons there.  They were in the Boulder Creek ward.  Their son was getting married that day.  So, that was really neat.  I also met Arthur Peterson.  He was the officiator for the session.  (I think that is what it would be called.)  He is from Joseph City, so I got to tell him who my family is up there.

I don't know what else.  I get to proselyte and try to find people to teach.  Brother Pipkin might have been baptized in Dunn on Saturday.  I still don't know though.  I hope he did.  It would be nice if someone I found got baptized.  But, it is sad to get transferred and not know what is going on.  

I guess I am still a planter.  Planting the seeds.  But, Heavenly Father has given me infinite seeds.  I need to find more people to plant them with.  This will be a finding week.

Thanks for all you do.

Go with God,
Sister Camille Turley

Monday, July 7, 2014

Everyone is Related!

Dear Family,

Random thoughts today.

We have been riding our bikes almost every day this week.  The hills must be getting smaller because it is getting easier to ride them.  Our favorite is the ride between the church and our apartment.  Heading to the church it is all uphill.  Sister Doty timed us one day.  She said it took about 35 minutes to ride to the church.  Then going home it only took about 10.  We just fly home.  It is so fun.  I got going really fast yesterday.  Sister Doty almost hit a deer a few days ago as we were flying down the hill.  (There are deer everywhere here.)

I have been studying faith this past week.  President and Sister Bernhisel want us to have studied all of the attributes in Chapter 6 of Preach My Gospel by our interviews in August.  So this past week was faith.  I was able to incorporate faith into all of my study questions this week.  It was really interesting. Now I will be studying hope until Sunday.  I love what Preach My Gospel says about hope: "When you have hope, you work through trials and difficulties with the confidence and assurance that all things will work together for your good."

Oh! The other thing is our member exchanges.  We have a hard time getting anyone to come out with us except our "reliable three."  The three sisters are Sister Yeates, Sister Michael, and Sister Rider.  Speaking of which, I have a question for Sister Cherise Turley and Elder Bloomfield.  Have either of you worked with a Justin of Michael Yeates?

Another question:  How am I related to Richard and Martha Turley?  They used to be in the Durham 2nd ward.

Also, on exchanges with the Chapel Hill 1st sisters, I found out that I am fourth cousins of Sister Oliver.  She went to Highland high as well.  But, I had up and she saw that I had Paynes in my family, so she was intrigued.  Our great great great grandpas are both Harry M Payne.  That was fun.  I have also found some Cluff relatives in this mission.  Sister Doty says that I am related to everyone in the mission.  Oh, and she has a relative who is married to a Turley.  Does anyone know of a Ruth Ethington Turley?

Go With God,
Sister Turley

P.S.  Are you ready for these Sister Missionaries?
A Sister in our ward gave us a bunch of old clothes.  And we just had a fun time trying on terrible outfits.

Books of 2024

 Hey all! I know I am quite late on a lot of things. Here are all the books that I "read" last year. Audiobooks Ebooks Physical Co...