Monday, June 30, 2014

Using The Book of Mormon

Dear Family,

Bleh.  Once again,  I sit at the computer trying to think of something to say.  And I think, well, we tried to find people to teach again.  And we didn't have much success.  But, we did find a new investigator yesterday.  We introduced the Book of Mormon to her.  It is really great when we ask what people love about their church, and we read a scripture to them that goes right along with what they say.  Our new investigator is named Kaysha.  She said the thing that she loved about church was fellowshipping and hearing testimonies of Jesus Christ.  So, we pulled up Moroni 6:5-6 (I use this one a lot).  It talks about fellowship and remembering Christ.  Perfect!  Then we set a return appointment.  

Okay, for reals now, I don't know what to say.  We are missionaries.  We share the gospel and know that Christ lives.  He died and bled for us.  Not necessarily in that order.  He loves us.  And, we just build from there.  

We also have some good sized cockroaches.  So far, in all of my companionships, I have been the designated bug smasher.  Sometimes I use only my fist.  Then, I have to wash the bug guts off my hand.  Or lick it.  I did that only once. I don't think I'll do that one again.  I don't know what came over me--it just happened.

I love all of you.  Have a wonderful week.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Monday, June 23, 2014

In the Durham 2nd ward

Well Everyone,

I am now in Durham.  There is a phrase from one song by Elvis Presley that I have sung many times on my mission, and it only took me two days here to start singing': "In the Ghetto."  But, that is okay.  We are going to have a lot of fun.  We have the car every other week, so we get to ride our bikes and get rides from many members.  This week, we rode down a giant hill.  And, there was a speed bump at the bottom.  I was going pretty fast.  I think I may have gotten a little air as I sped over the speed bump. 

My new companion is actually an old one.  Her name is Sister Doty.  We were companions for about a week in Wilmington.  It was in transfer #4 when I had sent one companion to Norway and waiting for my new companion.

There is a saying that I have said several, many, multiple, a plethora of times, on my mission.  I said it a few times this week.  I say it mostly when we go into peoples' homes and we get to see how their lives have just been turned upside down.   The saying is "Moral of the Story: Keep the commandments."  We really can promise that if they read their scriptures, go to church, and all the other things we teach, they can change their lives.  The message we share can improve the qualities of their lives. I know that if we keep the commandments, we will not get into awful situations.  Our lives will not be unbearably miserable.  No matter what trials we go through, we can be happy as we do the Lord's will.

I love all y'all.  I hope you are doing well.  I am praying for you.  The Lord is preparing us for something wonderful.  That is something else I have thought a lot about.  I have had quite a few adventures on my mission.  I just think, "What is He preparing for me?  What is He preparing me for?"  Be excited that He has such a wonderful plan for you.  I really do love you.  (Or else you probably would not receive a letter.)  I love the Gospel.  I love my Savior.  He is help.  He is the way.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Teaching the Elect

Sorry. This was last week's letter.

Dear Family,

Brother Pipkin continues to grow and flourish in the Gospel.  He is so ready to be baptized.  He is excited.  Really, the rest of the lessons will only be formalities.  We went over the baptismal interview questions this week, and he is ready.  He believes it all.  He does need to be smoke-free for a little while longer as though.

Also, looks like I am headed to Durham.  Made my way from the most southern tip of the mission to the very north.  Should be fun.

Thanks for all of the birthday wishes.  It has been really great.  Sister Boucher and I have had treats every day for the last two weeks.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Monday, June 9, 2014

Sprouting Seeds

Dear Family and Friends,

Well, transfers are next week.  There is a pretty good chance that I will be transferring.  So, if you want to send letters, use the mission address.

Well, here was my birthday.  I went to zone training meeting.  President and Sister Bernhisel were there.  So, at the end, Sister Bernhisel and the other sister leaders came up and started singing "Happy Birthday."  So, the whole zone sang to me.  I didn't know what to do.  I just stood there.  Luckily my back was to most of the zone.  Then, Sister Bernhisel gave me a hug.  So, I was pretty uncomfortable for a while.  Singing and hugs--not the best combination if they are not my family members.

Then I went on exchanges.  Lari, I wouldn't have gotten the flowers.  I was in Fayetteville that day.  It must have been the Spirit keeping them from being sent. Thank you for all the packages and cards.  I just opened most of the cards today and Kit's golly.  (My companion doesn't like to check the mail unless it is Preparation day.  And, I am not very assertive.)  My other packages except for one came earlier, so I got to open those.

Brother Pipkin is still on date for the 28th of June.  We get to teach him about 3 times a week.  And, the members have just embraced him.  We had a lesson in a family's home last night.  It has been a hectic and busy week.  We have had a lot of appointments.  I think the many seeds that have been planted in this area are starting to sprout.  Alma 32:37-- "And behold, as the tree beginneth to grow, ye will say: Let us nourish it with great care, that it may get root, that it may grow up, and bring forth fruit unto us.  And now behold, if ye nourish it with much care it will get root, and grow up, and bring forth fruit."  Brother Pipkin is going to bring forth great fruit!  He has a lot of family he is wanting to teach!  We love the people of North Carolina.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

My aunt sent me the golly.  I made the new sign.

Monday, June 2, 2014

I hope they call me on a mission.

To those known as family and friends:

Well, I turn 21 this week.  You know what that means!  I get to serve a mission.  Oh. Wait. That may have changed a little bit.  I may be a little behind the times.

This past week may have been one of the best weeks of my mission.  On Tuesday, we emailed and then went to the Post Office to pick up a few of my packages.  We got to talk to 6 new people between those two activities.  Then we were able to talk to at least 5 more people throughout the rest of the day.  That was amazing.

On Wednesday, I gave the handbook thought in District meeting. -->side note to myself: devote time and attention combined with dream about dad and Griffin<--  Sorry about that.  I just wanted to remind myself later what it was about.  Then we went on exchange.  We had a great exchange.  We got two new investigators, who have already been to the Clinton Branch, which is the one just south of us. On Thursday, we got a call from a man we had met at the library a few days ago.  His name is Brother Pipkin.  He called to ask for a ride to church on Sunday.  So we called many members and found him a ride.  He came to church and even bore his testimony.  In his testimony, he said that he has already read 1 and 2 Nephi from the Book of Mormon that we gave to him.

After church, we had a lesson with him.  5 members were present even though they came in and out of the lesson due to interviews with the Bishop.  But, we invited him to be baptized on June 28, and he is willing to work towards that. I think Brother Pipkin is the key to gaining a bunch of trust from the members.  They just embraced him.  Everyone who passed him would talk with him and thank him for his testimony.  Brother Pipkin is a miracle.  We have met the elect!  "And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts" Doctrine and Covenants 29:7.   You never know--the person sitting outside the library today might just bear his/her testimony in your ward on the next Fast Sunday.

I love all y'all.  Keep moving forward.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...