Monday, November 4, 2013

It's almost Christmas! . . . I mean, Halloween.

Sorry, this is the email from last week  --Sister Turley

Dear Family and Friends,

Welp, I got a new companion this week.  I know, it wasn't transfers this week; my other companion went home on Medical Release.  And, I am on a roll: having a change in companionship every transfer.  Yet, I am still in the same area.  I don't think that will change next transfer either.  My new companion is Sister Frampton.  She is waiting for her visa. She will be heading to Norway.  We don't know when it will come, but I am guessing it is coming sometime at the end of this transfer.  She has been in North Carolina for a week, so I am training again.  And, I get an hour of language study every day.  I get to hear a lot of prayers in Norwegian.  I am sure I will come out of this companionship with a few Norwegian phrases stuck in my head.  I already have a few.

I have to say, Sister Frampton is my most motivated companion so far.  I love it.  She actually takes action and plans and invites herself over to have lessons.  She is willing to keep working during the entire day.  I love it.  I am so excited for this transfer.  I have a lot of hope for this transfer.

On Saturday, the Wilmington 2nd ward had their Halloween Party.  So, we first got some service in by helping the Relief Society President get hot dogs ready.  Sister Frampton, the brother we were working with (Brother N), and I had a pretty good system.  I would open the buns, Sister Frampton would hold the buns while Brother N put the hot dogs in the buns, and then Sister Frampton would close them and set them in the trays.  We got to do this for a few hundred hot dogs.  I didn't end up eating any hot dogs, but I had some chili that was made for the chili cook-off.

After dinner was trunk-or-treat.  We had a fantastic turnout.  Sister Frampton and I talked to so many less active members and nonmembers.  I got to talk to a girl named Savannah.  She is not a member, but she has been coming to church for a while now.  She went to Youth Conference this summer, and she is going to seminary now.  She comes to church and seminary with the Stake President's daughter.  I got to talk to her, and then I talked with the Stake President's wife.  I feel that we might be getting a new investigator sometime soon.

Sunday was the Primary Program.  And, the women with callings in Primary have been working for weeks to get children to invite their friends to come see what they do in Primary/church.  There were a few families that came that I had never seen before.  Sister Frampton and I split up to meet different people.  She got quite a few more appointments than me, but I will work on that.  I am constantly working on being more bold.  I have a lot of work to do in that area.

Sister Frampton and I had an interesting conversation about God last night.  A question that I posed was, "Because God cannot lie, isn't that limiting God?"  The conclusion that I have come to in my mind is that because God also has agency, just like all of His children, He does have a choice to lie or to tell the truth.  But, because He chooses to tell the truth, He shows how much power He has.  He is able to create more and give more because He chooses to tell the truth.  Elder Jeffrey R. Holland states, "The Father's course was one of agency and choice--the freedom to err but ultimately the freedom to succeed."  This comes from his talk in the September 2013 Ensign.I read it this week, and it is great.  Will you all read it again this week? 

Apparently, I had a lot more to say this week than last.  I love all y'all.  I hope you have a fantastic week.   Doctrine and Covenants 100:1.  I know that God is doing this for me, but I don't exactly understand how He is doing it and planning on doing this.  Life comes, but the Lord knows about it a lot more than we do.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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