Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Mutual Game Part 1

Hey friends,

Today I am telling you about my beautiful plan on how to get married.  Just kidding.  I thought doing a social experiment and trolling on a dating app would be the best thing for me to do.  At least it's more entertaining.  Yeah, it's probably going to ruin my entire dating life, but I didn't have much of one to begin with.  I had a conversation earlier this year with one of my friends.  He asked me when the last time I went on a date was.  I replied that I had gone on a date the week before.  He was surprised.  But it was true.  Then my friend asked when my last date before that one was.  My answer was, "A year ago."  He told me that was the response he was expecting.  Thanks Carson.  But it obviously proves that I don't have much to lose by doing this.

So here goes.  I am joining a dating app.  I chose Mutual, and below is what I am doing.

The Mutual Game

I have used the app twice, with the first attempt lasting three days and the second lasting two hours. This time, I have to leave the app on my phone for 28 days--4 weeks. However, I am putting up unflattering pictures.  I didn't put my very awful unflattering pictures because I don't want to subject the world to that kind of torture.  But, if you were to find me on mutual, it would look like this:

I also made my bio section make me sound so interesting.

I get to swipe as if this were my normal account.  So swipe down on the people I assume I wouldn't want to date and swipe up and people who maybe are okay.  My guess is that I won't get very many matches.  It's gonna be fun.  Hopefully, I will give updates every week.

After the 28 unflattering days, I will try with normal pictures and bio for 14 days--2 weeks--and see if I can get just as many matches?  I don't know.  That kind of terrifies me.

Wish me luck,

1 comment:

  1. Cami, you are so funny, I am so excited to read about this. Also if you ever need more unflattering pictures I got some great ones of you from camping trips :)


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