Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Mutual Game Part 1

Hey friends,

Today I am telling you about my beautiful plan on how to get married.  Just kidding.  I thought doing a social experiment and trolling on a dating app would be the best thing for me to do.  At least it's more entertaining.  Yeah, it's probably going to ruin my entire dating life, but I didn't have much of one to begin with.  I had a conversation earlier this year with one of my friends.  He asked me when the last time I went on a date was.  I replied that I had gone on a date the week before.  He was surprised.  But it was true.  Then my friend asked when my last date before that one was.  My answer was, "A year ago."  He told me that was the response he was expecting.  Thanks Carson.  But it obviously proves that I don't have much to lose by doing this.

So here goes.  I am joining a dating app.  I chose Mutual, and below is what I am doing.

The Mutual Game

I have used the app twice, with the first attempt lasting three days and the second lasting two hours. This time, I have to leave the app on my phone for 28 days--4 weeks. However, I am putting up unflattering pictures.  I didn't put my very awful unflattering pictures because I don't want to subject the world to that kind of torture.  But, if you were to find me on mutual, it would look like this:

I also made my bio section make me sound so interesting.

I get to swipe as if this were my normal account.  So swipe down on the people I assume I wouldn't want to date and swipe up and people who maybe are okay.  My guess is that I won't get very many matches.  It's gonna be fun.  Hopefully, I will give updates every week.

After the 28 unflattering days, I will try with normal pictures and bio for 14 days--2 weeks--and see if I can get just as many matches?  I don't know.  That kind of terrifies me.

Wish me luck,

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

How Do People Get Married?

How do people get married?  Seriously! It baffles me.  I don't know how people ever get married.  It's some kind of miracle.  I don't know how to put my unbelief into words, so bear with me as I try to explain why I just don't get it.

Okay, first there have to be two people that just somehow are not dating anyone else at the same time.  There are lots of people who are single, I know, but to have two people that are both maybe interested in each other both single at the same time.  That's a miracle.  During my short 7 years as an adult, I have been interested in a number of boys.  But they shortly get girlfriends, and then most of the time end up getting engaged to someone else, and then the majority of those people actually marry.  So, I guess it's just me; those other people get married.

Then, say that two people are single at the same time that are maybe slightly interested.  One of those people has to have the courage to ask the other person on a date.  And I don't have courage.  So, I'm never getting married.

On the chance that one of the people has courage, and they go on one date, what happens then?  Sometimes there is just no more communication.  First dates are often the last.  People just maybe aren't as compatible as they think they are?  I don't know why there is often a one-sided interest or maybe just you think you will like someone and then you don't.  Most interest just ends there.  And one has to start all over again.  But there is the slight chance there will be a second date and a third.  Slight.  Very slight.  How do people keep dating?  How are people interested in one another?

That's really what I truly don't understand: how are people interested?  I find people interesting, but that doesn't mean I'm interested in all of them.  And I don't think more than a few people are interested in me.  So what makes a person viable for interest?  Looks? Personality?  So what is so wrong with my looks besides my siblings telling me that they don't like my clothes or that I look lesbian (so obviously not attracting boys)?  I must have a bad personality as well.  I think I'm funny, but I must not really be.  I know that I'm not an extrovert, and I never will be.  I say a lot of bad things.  That's it.  I promise I don't mean all of the bad things.  But I do like sad movies.  How are people interested in each other?  How do people stay interested?  I am so confused.  People get married all the time, and yet is so incomprehensible to me.  I believe it's a miracle.  And maybe that's just not a miracle God wants to grant to me.  Maybe I'm not meant to get married.  Ever.  Actually, I told myself I wouldn't give up until I'm fifty--that's when my life is gonna start coming together.

To all those who are married and who are getting married, congratulations!  You are the miracles of the world.  I don't know what magic you have cast, but good job.

This is something that I have discussed with a few relatives.  Basically the moral of the story is that you have to use a dating app to get married.  Dumb, but that's what it has come to.  So, tomorrow, yes another post this week, I will be posting about a new social experiment that I am starting.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Market Research

Hi everyone, it's that time of year again: social experiment time.  Some people may know--most may not--that I always have a thousand things that I want to do.  One of the things that I have brought up recently is doing a Masters program.  Well, I started that; I'm currently in a marketing class.  And I've mentioned maybe to some people that I want to start my own business.  So, to combine the both I made a survey that I put in my last blog post.  It didn't go so well.  But now I know that pictures help with marketing.  If you haven't already filled out this survey, I think it would be awesome if you did.
Just click on the picture, and it will take you to the survey.

I realize that some of my posts lately have been kind of boring, so I will try to have less boring posts in the future.  And I really will put what I learn from this survey into effect, such as someone asked how I feel about peanut butter sandwiches.

I feel great about peanut butter sandwiches. I like strawberry jam on my peanut butter sandwiches, but just peanut butter on bread is okay sometimes too.  I have tried a few other jams and jellies, but strawberry remains my favorite.  Especially homemade.  At my last job, we ate PB&J sandwiches every day that we were on hikes or skiing.  Sometimes we would get two in each lunch.  Even so, I still enjoyed them.  I think peanut butter sandwiches are hard to eat when the bread is dry.  Did you know that Tillamook makes a PB&J ice cream?  It's grape J, so it's kind of interesting, but it's not the worst thing I have ever eaten.  If it was strawberry J, then it would be amazing.

Also, someone asked me to put up more pictures.  I'll do that some time.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Quotes: August and September

If you don't want to read all of them, the last one is fantastic.  I don't know where that kid comes from.  Also, you should take the survey at the bottom.

Cami: I eat Dole whips, for goodness' sake.  How can I have a bad life?

Sarah: Well you're the the same size as me but taller.

Dad: Cami, do you want a sugar-free, low carb cookie?
Cami: That sounds like the worst thing I've ever heard.

Emmett: I'm going to get in shape before Disneyland next year.
Griffin: Why?
Emmett: So I can be setsy.

Griffin: Asian, Chinese, Japanese, and Europe-anese.

Cami:  But my computer's being dumb.
Emmett: When isn't it dumb?
Cami: When I'm not using it.  It works just as good as I need it to.

Makenna: Wait, you're not lesbian?
Emmett: Nope, she has to come out as straight.
Cami: Everyone! I'm coming out as straight! Okay?!

Cami: I'm gonna eat a banana!
Cami:  Okay go ahead.
Cami: Thanks!
Makenna: Me! That's literally me.

Cami:  Even though I look lesbian, I'm going to keep living my life how I want.
Emmett: Quote of the day.

Sarah: Things are kind of confusing right now.  And I need a job.
Cami: I think you just described life.

Cami: I edited the photos, so that there would be shadows, so that you can see we have faces.
Sarah: Well there has to be something white about Christmas in Arizona.

Cherise: If it weren't for millenials, that generation would be dead from cancer.  Sorry I extended your life, so you have to deal with me.

Cami: Well, I need to get new bras.
Sarah: Bra-bably.

Cami: Will you brush my teeth?
Griffin: No
Cami:  Lazy.
Griffin:What. You ask that all the time.  No one's gonna brush your teeth.
Cami: Ally brushes my teeth.
Griffin: Ally's a dentist.
Cami: Dental Hygienist
Griffin: Same thing.

Dad: These have 5 net carbs and those have 22 net carbs. But these have 5 net taste and those have 22 net taste.

Cami: Can we have sugar for Christmas?
Dad: No, we're gonna get sugar-free candies.
Cami: I'm having my own Christmas!
Rachel: Can I come?
Cami: Yes Rachel, you're invited to my Christmas.

Griffin: You're just like Emmett.
Cami: Great minds think alike.
Griffin: Or stupid minds are dumb together.

Cami: I don't know what I'm doing. I have no job.  And I'm going to school.  I have no money to pay for school.
Griffin: Your Shepherd's pie didn't taste gross, so that's good.
Cami: Thanks.

Griffin trying to guess the name of a person over the course of several days:
Hooligan.  Chris Hooligan.
Hula card?
Cooper Hotchfimmel.

Cat incessantly meowing at me
Cami: I don't know what you're saying.
Cat continues to meow
Makenna (from a different room, with the door shut): I'm weak.  That is so funny.  You said, "I don't know what you're saying."
Makenna starts cracking up

Cami: I'm not even a catch.  I'm jobless and homeless.

Darren: What are the cards?
Douglas: Conspirator
Cami: Conspirator?! I think I'm gonna like this game.

Cami: Gristen!
Griffin: Hmm.
Cami: I just wanted to see if you would still respond to that name.
Griffin: Mmm.

Dad: I'm gonna go check my blood.
Cami: I'm gonna go put more sugar in my blood.
Mariah: Ha! Me.

Maren: Are you married?
Cami: No.
Maren: I don't know.  You tend to do stuff in stealth mode.

Griffin: Instead of chewing my food, I put it in my cheek and punch myself in the face.

And here is the survey (click on the picture):

Thanks in advance!

Books of 2024

 Hey all! I know I am quite late on a lot of things. Here are all the books that I "read" last year. Audiobooks Ebooks Physical Co...