Wednesday, July 25, 2018

How to Be a Bad Roommate

Tonight I came home to this.

An empty, open soap bottle.  Now what would you think if you're roommate left this?  Maybe you have bad thoughts running through your head.  Maybe you don't. I don't know.  But I was instantly glad that my roommate hadn't gotten home yet because this was my fault.  But then, there was a lot that went into leaving this bottle here.  It wasn't just me being lazy.  If you want a long story to read, here is the process of how I refilled the soap bottle.

First, I opened the bottle, so I could use a little bit of soap to wash my hands.  I dried my hands on my towel and then opened the cupboard underneath the sink to find the refill bottle.  I saw that there was a little bit left and thought that I should put that on my grocery list, but where was my phone?  So, I went into my bedroom to find my phone.  And I pulled up my grocery list.  I saw that "muffin tin" was still on there and deleted because I didn't need that anymore.  But, I did need some cereal and milk.  Oh shoot, I should go to the store, so I can get food, so I don't starve tomorrow.  So, I hopped in the car and decided to go pick up my bike from my step sister's place before getting food because then I just have to make one trip around town.  So, I got my bike.  And then I went to the grocery store.  I saw a coworker there that I don't interact with much because we never are in the same place at the same time.  And then, I got my groceries.  I drove home and, lo and behold, the coworker lives in the same apartment complex as me.  So, I took my groceries in and laughed to myself about how random the encounters with my coworker had been.  And after putting my groceries away, I went back outside to get my bike out of my trunk and put it at the bike rack.  Then my friends saw me and asked me if I wanted a ride to Institute, so I said yeah and went to Institute for an hour.  And I ate dinner at the church building with my friends.  When I got home, there was something that I was wanting to look up on Instagram.  And so I sat on the couch and looked at Instagram pictures and saw a study on sleep and was starting to read it, but my internet is slow and wouldn't load, so I thought that maybe I should just go to sleep.  I started getting ready for bed and went to brush my teeth.  I found myself, once again, at the sink and realizing that I had forgotten to write soap on my grocery list and to buy it from the store.  And I had forgotten to ever refill the soap bottle.  I finally filled the bottle of soap.

Moral of the story: Your bad roommate might not be lazy or intentionally leaving all the dirty work to you.  He/she may just not know how to remember anything.

Also, fun fact, my aunt told me this weekend that I take forever to tell stories.  It's probably because the simplest act of filling up a soap bottle takes three and a half hours, so my stories just go along with how long the events took place.

Fun fact #2 You know how I said in the story that I should probably go to sleep?  I just spent another half an hour typing up this story.  Why?  I don't know this story was necessary for my blog.  But sometimes my brain says that maybe I should do something, and then I lose track of what I actually should be doing.

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