Sunday, August 5, 2018

June and July are Somewhat Quotable

Sorry, some quotes are better than others.  And there are a few inside jokes from my family in here.

Cami: Then poop hit the ceiling.

Cami: Will you walk with me to the stake center?  With this between us?
Landon: That is a weird way to ask someone to help you carry a cooler.

Ally: I really like that everything is covered in cheese. Or dead animal.

Julia: Happy Fathers' Day.  You're a tool.

Cami: Guess I won't call Dad for Fathers' Day since I can't give him any better news.

Kailon: But stinky we don't have access to that shed anymore.
Cami: Stinky we don't.

Griffin: Where is Subatomic Zero?

Emmett: We were trying to come up with names for Cherise's future children. Chysanthemummianog.
Cherise: Or Runta.
Emmett: Chrysanthemummianog's favorite phrase is, "What the henchickenabobby?"

Griffin: Then crap hits the flan.

Griffin: What if someone waxed their beard?
Cami: Then that would hurt really bad.
Cherise: Yeah.
Emmett: Then you would die instantly.

Cami: Meaty, not needy.
Griffin: That's what I said.
Cami: M-E-A-I-T
(long pause)
Cami: M-E-A-T-Y
Griffin chuckling: I didn't even realize.

Emmett: Come on hay boy.

Emmett: Come on Idaho man.

Emmett: Come on Canada. You can do it.  I believe in you.  I think they're drunk.
Cami: I think you're drunk.

Noah: I bet you're going to marry Emmett.
Cami: Ew. Gross.
Ashley: Emmett is her brother.
Noah: Ohhhh.

Emmett: It's scary 'cause when you have a baby, you could sleep and roll over them and they would die.  And Shaq could do that with his wife.

Griffin: You should teach it, so you can learn it to other people.

Emmett: Gyptian War.
Griffin: Egyptian War?
Emmett: Gyptian.
Cami: It's like you have gumption.  But not quite.
Emmett: No. Gyptian. It's when everyone gets two cookies, but you only get one.  Gyptian.

Griffin: The back of your head just looks stupid.
Cami: Well you look stupid from the front.
Cherise busts up laughing
Cherise: It's not even funny, but I'm laughing.

Cami: If that's what love is, I don't want it.

Reading about Moroni becoming a leader
Scripture: And he was only twenty and five years old
Cami (bitterly): Well good for him!

Rachel: Lighghee for prez.

Cami: I like the stick of butter.  It looks like a piece of poop.
(Cherise and Cami crack up)

Emmett: Beep.
Cherise: Same.

Cami: Grandpa, give me a Jack.
Grandpa: How about four tens?
Cami: Okay, well that was rude.

Grandpa: I'm trying to hurt Cami, but she's irrehurtable.

Also, if anyone wanted to know how the hugging experiment went, it didn't.  It failed.  Miserably.  That's it.

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