Thursday, February 15, 2018

A Few Items of Business

I have a few items of business that I would like to bring to the attention of my beloved fans.  Actually, did you know that I have zero fans?  Provo apartments just have air conditioning.  Weird.  And I don't have a personal portable fan either.  Besides the point.  I want to bring a few things to your attention.  And I want to get your input.  It is valuable to me.

First, my brother added a subscribe button to my blog.  It's to the left and under my picture and name.  If you subscribe, you will get emails from my blog instead of having to check Facebook just to see if I have written anything.  Just joking, you probably check Facebook for other reasons too.

Second, I would like you to comment on this post in response to two questions.  1. What has been your favorite post and why?  2. What topics would you like to see more of?

Third, I hosted a game a few years ago.  It involved eating lunch (of another meal) with me, and if the contestant laughed at anything I said or did, the contestant lost.  If you would be interested in having a reboot of that game and in participating, let me know.  You can comment here or on Facebook or on Instagram or email or text.  Whichever way you think would be best.

That's it.  There isn't a rant from me today; I just want to know what has been blessing your life in this blog.

And just for a random picture, here is a screenshot of a prompt from Facebook:


  1. Your posts always make me laugh out loud to the point that people watching me think I'm a weirdo. One thing I really appreciate about every post is that they are so authentic to your personality. You're not trying to please anyone, you are writing what you feel and would actually say in real life. I think that's very rare and super cool. That being said:
    1. My favorite post was either the second child post (laughed sooo much) or the quotes of the year.
    2. More quotes, more insights into how you perceive yourself, but also the world around you. I would love to read more stories from your life or happenings in your daily life because your storytelling is hilarious and it's crazy to me how you can find humor in the most mundane things. I love it.

  2. My answer to both questions is my favorite post (which you should do more of) is when you shared all the weird quotes you collect. I know your collection has grown, but I haven't heard them in a while.

  3. In context, I loved the shoe post, also the quotes one, since I missed literally all of them.
    Yes, I want to do the lunch challenge. Maybe I can actually win this time.
    I'd just like to see more posts, since I love getting mail and hearing what you think!
    (love ya)

  4. I love all your post. I see a book in your future. Definitely would love to do the lunch challenge. I know I will loose your epic funny. Just wished we lived closer. - Sal


Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...