Monday, April 28, 2014

The Power of Members

Dear Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
Well, the work was about the same this week.  We found people and they dropped us and repeat.  This is missionary work.  Luckily, we are working with the members more.  Sometimes, members don't know how much power they have.  I certainly did not before I came on my mission.  I know now that members are the finders.  Missionaries just don't find very well.  For some reason, people don't want to listen to us when just knock on their door.  But they are more interested when they have friends that figuratively say, "Hey my two friends can teach you about why I am so happy.  And more than that, they can teach you to find that same happiness."  I know that working with members makes the work happen.  I love the work.  But, I love working with members more.

Thanks for all you do,
Sister Turley

Because of Him

And this was the letter from last week.  Sorry, it has been an interesting ride.  Literally, I hit at least 20 potholes a day.
Dear Anyone who Reads this Blog,
This week was a really good one.  Last Monday, we received a letter from the Director of Media in the Missionary Department about special Easter Media.  We were given the video "Because of Him" to share.  This video is fantastic.  I don't think I can count the number of times that Sister Boucher and I watched it this week.  This is one of the many amazing things about being a Facebook missionary.  I am still trying to figure it out, but luckily the Lord doesn't expect us to be perfect all at once.  As long as we are progressing.  But, the video has helped us a lot this week.  We found a new investigator by using it.  We share the video and are able to ask others what they think of it.  I was able to use #BecauseofHim this week on Facebook.  It really took off.  There are so many great things if you go to this hashtag on Facebook.  I was really excited when I got to see all of the members' testimonies on this site.  It was phenomenal.  I love being a missionary.  I love being able to see the affect that technology has on missionary work.

Now we are just waiting on our tablets.  Some Elders ask President when they are coming every time they get the chance.  I thought it would be March, but that didn't happen.  Technology makes the work explode.

I love all y'all.  It was fun to read of your Easter stories.  Easter is a great time of year.  We got to contact referrals.  We were able to have dinner with the Ginn family and share "Because of Him.'  Afterwards, Sister Boucher and I helped the Ginn family learn how to do FamilySearch Indexing.  It was a fun Easter week.  I loved it.  I love the holidays.  People seem to be more accepting.  Have a wonderful week.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Ten Virgins

Sorry, this is the letter from two weeks ago.

Hey All Y'all,

This week is a lot better than last week (at least today is).  Anyways, sorry I am a bum and write bad stuff.  This week improved because I was reading in Doctrine and Covenants 63, and it was meant just for me.  It talks about the will of God.  Sister Boucher and I have quite a few discussions about the will of God.  Our views are very different.  Sister Boucher sees it as the will of God is always that the best thing will happen.  For example, if we don't have baptisms, it is because someone chooses to not follow the will of God.  Which, I guess this is true.  But, I have the point of view sometimes that some people are not going to choose to be baptized, so He has placed missionaries there who can handle not having baptisms, and won't give up (completely- okay last week was pretty bad).  I haven't given up yet!  Anyways, I think it is about obedience.  I am doing what the Lord would have me do.  I know that if I do all that He asks me to, I will be able to bless the lives of others.

Also, in Chapter 63, it talks about the ten virgins.  How they will not be prepared to come see Christ at the second coming, in fact, they will be destroyed. "And in that day will I send mine angels to pluck out the wicked and cast them into unquenchable fire." (63:54) I just have been thinking a lot about less active members.  There have been quite a few that have said that they know the church is true and that they will come back soon.  I am afraid this is not how it works.  The day of repentance is now.  We are to come back to church now.  If we wait, we will be swept and burnt.  I don't want that to happen, so that is why I am trying to actively use the Atonement.  I am going to repent this week.  I am sorry.  I love all of you.  Please forgive me.  Strength is not my strong point.  So, have a wonderful week.  Just know that I am doing better. Sorry to send such a grievous note last week.  I love you.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...