Monday, February 24, 2014

The Adventures of Small Towns in North Carolina

Once upon a time, there were two Sister Missionaries.  They served in North Carolina.  They were from the west, so sometimes the couldn't understand the people they were talking to.  But, that is besides the point.  One day, they decided to go walking down the street.  So they did.  They walked and put cards in doors.  They walked and talked to a man or woman or couple whom they passed.  They walked and enjoyed the sun.  And then, the unthinkable happened: a dog.  There was a dog.  How could there be a dog?  Without a leash?  It was big.  And, so was the other dog that was standing by it.  Then, the black one started barking and running towards the Sister Missionaries.  Then the other dog started barking and running towards the Sisters.  So, one of the missionaries decided that they were going to cut through some backyards.  So they did.  The End.

I didn't know what to write this week.  Sister Mayfield says that when you don't know what to write, just write stories about the dogs chasing us.  Sister Mayfield is terrified of dogs.  She starts hyperventilating whenever she sees one not on a leash.  She got attacked when she was a child.  Also, I actually don't know what week this was.  We only get chased by dogs every day.

Oh! We got to go to the Blue and Gold Banquet on Saturday.  They had really tasty cupcakes.

I love you.  Have a terrific week.  "I know the Lord provides a way."

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Monday, February 17, 2014


Dear Family and Friends,

This week has been a little taxing.  My spiritual tank was running a little low.  As I was studying for an investigator, I was reading on page 73 in Preach My Gospel.  It was the commandment to pray often.  It says that as we pray sincerely, we will be able to see God's influence in our lives.  So, I wrote down a bunch of ways that I have seen God's influence. Then, a few days later, I was reading in Ether 3.  Jesus Christ showed Himself to the brother of Jared.  Verse 18 says, "and all this, that this man might know that he was God."  Christ was willing to do so much to prove to one man that he was God.  So, I pondered what He was willing to do for me.  I wrote down a bunch of blessings that have shown me that God is there.  I realized amongst all this that I need to be more grateful.  As I am grateful, I am able to fill my spiritual tank.  I am able to handle the pressures of life.

Blessings/ God's Influence in my Life
  Scriptures      Hastening the Work    Love for Companions
Love for Family       Family    Faith     Endurance
    Ability to Learn     Patriarchal Blessing    Dancing
Second Chances    Infinity Chances     Ability to Learn
    And so on and so forth . . .

I would love to hear some things that you have been blessed with in the last year.  I love you.  I am thankful that I have been blessed to have all of you in my life.  I hope you are doing well.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

The Gift of Tongues

Dear Family and Friends,

Honestly!  I don't know what to write.  I am a missionary.  I actually didn't do too much tracting this week.  We did a lot of painting jobs for the member that we live with.  We got a few referrals from  We contacted them.

Oh wait, I have a fun story.  We had a referral from named Gail.  We went to her house not knowing anything because our phone is weird and doesn't send or receive complete messages.  (So, we have to send our district leader our goals and actual numbers about three times every week.)  Anyways, we didn't know much about her, so we went to the door.  She came to the door and motioned that she couldn't hear.  So I signed to her, " YOU KNOW SIGN?"  She replied, "YES I DEAF."  So, I asked her about and if she had seen it.  She said that she didn't.  I asked her if she had any friends that are Mormon.  She said no, and that she has her own church.  Unfortunately, my ASL is really not great, so I didn't know how to bear my testimony too well.  I said that we believe in Jesus Christ and that the Book of Mormon is a little like the Bible.  We believe the Book of Mormon.  I asked if she wanted to read the Book of Mormon, but she said no.  But, I feel that what I said was not sufficient to help her feel the truth.  My ASL was not good enough to help her.  So, Sister Mayfield and I have thought that we should go over and see if she will teach us some ASL.  Maybe that will get us in.  We haven't gone back yet.  We will see.  

I hope all are doing well.  I love you.  

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Monday, February 3, 2014

Snow -- The Devil's Advocate

Dear All,

Well, it snowed this week.  No one knows how to drive in it or has salt ready, so the lessons that we did have planned were cancelled.  We were also supposed to have a district meeting which was postponed and later turned into a zone conference call.  They didn't want us driving much with the snow.  That did not stop Sister Mayfield and me.  Oh! We also decided to get some McFlurrys.  The employees were surprised that people were getting ice cream when it was cold and snowy.

Well, we got a new investigator today.  I love her.  She is fantastic.  Her name is Monica, and we have been giving service at her consignment shop for a while.  We go over on Fridays every week.  She has come to church twice.  We just talked about the Book of Mormon today and how it can help us come closer to Christ.  And guess what?!  She has a snatcher van.  She is so snatchin' that even the car was snatched.  Just kidding, but she did get it from a business for cheap so on the side it reads, "Terminal Use Only."  It is so great.  We had a great discussion about snatcher vans.  She is elect.  I cannot wait for her to have a calling and everyone will love her.

I love all y'all.  (Sister Cherise Turley asked me if I have a southern accent.  Sometimes I do.  It doesn't help that I talked weird before I came out here.)  I hope you are all doing well.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...