Monday, January 27, 2014

Work and the Atonement

Dear Whoever reads my Blog  (I hope someone does),

I don't know what to write.  Lots of the times I feel that I need to share some fantastic discovery I made about the Gospel.  Or some great news about investigators preparing for baptism.  Or some miracle that was completely out of the blue.  But, to tell you the truth I don't have a lot of those.  The Lord doesn't work that way with me.  He works kind of like the light and the fog that Elder Bednar talks about.  (  At about time 1:20.

This week, we had members at lessons.  We don't have any baptismal dates, but I can see the Spirit working in the lives of the members and investigators.  I see that the gospel really is what brings us happiness.  And, not just that.  We have to work.  Work brings happiness.  It is being able to say at the end of the day that you have done all that you can do.  Work and the Atonement.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Faith! I am Starting to Understand.

Dear Family and Friends,

What is faith?  Well, I don't really know.  But, I am starting to figure it out.  Here is what I wrote to my Mission President today:

This week was rather interesting. Sister Mayfield and I read the LTMM on Tuesday together. It bothered me, and I tried to figure out why. On Thursday, I finally understood that I felt that the LTMM was telling me that my faith was shown through numbers (Nephi only had to try three times before he got the Brass plates). In the seven months in Wilmington, I had the opportunity to teach one person that was baptized, and she had already been taught sufficiently. Also, since being in Dunn, the work has been a little slow. I felt awful that I did not have any faith and that it was affecting the work. Then, Sister Mayfield and I had a good, long discussion about faith. Conclusion: Faith does not depend on numbers. I have faith, and it feels really good. We went tracting and no one wanted to talk to us, but that does not mean that we don't have faith. We will continue to work hard for the salvation of others. We love the work! We have hope.

The LTMM is the letter the President sends to all of the missionaries every week.  He talked about unshakable faith and how Nephi had to be tested before he would get the Brass plates.  So, if you feel that your faith is being tested, it is.  If you feel that there is no end to the testing, there isn't.  But don't worry, the tests will not all be the same.  One test will eventually end, and the next one will begin.  I want to thank Grandma Hunt for her letter this week.  I really needed to be reminded that part of our task is to endure to the end.  One Elder (Elder Williams who finished his mission a few transfers ago) was a great Zone Leader.  He liked to call it "Enjoying to the End."  Let us all enjoy to the end.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

P.S. I said there would be pictures.
We had ice in our driveway.  It was fun crunching it every time we drove over it.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Dunn and Burning Clothes

Dear Family and Friends,

So, for the last two weeks of December, I told Sarah that if Sister Billings and I didn't find 10 new investigators, she could burn half of my clothes.  I am happy to say that we found 1 new investigator.  We got to share a Book of Mormon with two people, and got a return appointment with one.  I don't know how lessons with the new investigator are going because I got transferred.  But, we found a new investigator, and now half of my clothes will be burned.  I am so excited.

Here in Dunn, we have a lot of appointments.  I am thoroughly happy since I only had a few lessons my last transfer.  Sister Mayfield says it is a little slow right now, so it is going to be so fun coming up!  I am so glad I get to share the gospel now.  I hope y'all are doing well.  This week had a few sick days for Sister Mayfield and me.

Next week, I will have pictures.  Yay!

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Monday, January 6, 2014

Sister Turley in Dunn. What?

Dear Family and Friends,

Well, this week was transferred.  I finally got transferred.  Crazy, I know.  Who would have thought?  Okay, Heavenly Father knew.  I am now in the Dunn ward.  It is great.  Missionary work in this ward is fantastic.  The members are so eager to help.  Our vision for the Dunn area is to have two wards.  We are going to work hard this transfer.  My new companion is Sister Mayfield.  I still need to get a picture of Sister Billings to you.  But, I do have one.  Sister Mayfield and I still need to get a picture together.  Sister Mayfield is from Maricopa, Arizona.  She went to Hamilton.  She was in the same English class as Megan.  Weird.

This week was rather interesting for scripture study.  I was in Mosiah.  And, Sister Mayfield and I were trying to figure out how old Ammon and the Sons of Mosiah were in comparison.  We realized that Ammon was about 60 years old when he was smiting the arms off of the Lamanites.  Well, that ruins all of the videos and pictures.  He had gray hair and such.  And, I was just thinking about all of these awkard videos we could make based off of the scriptures.  Anyways, the scriptures do not tell us about how everyone is connected very well.  You have to read the Book of Mormon a thousand times to know about how everyone is related.  Good thing that is the goal!
I love you.  I am having a great start to 2014.  Have a wonderful week.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...