Monday, August 12, 2013

Who is Jesus Christ?

Dear Family and Friends,

Last Wednesday, I had an interesting experience.  Our district was having district meeting.  We were role playing. I decided that I would role play as Makenna.  This is a person that I truly love and care for.  I was interested in what the experience would be like as I tried to figure out what was going on in her head.  As I role played, I got to thinking: "Who is Jesus Christ?  And why is He so important to me?"

Who is Jesus Christ?
There is a hymn that is not often sung.  It perfectly describes Jesus Christ.  The title is "A Mighty Fortress is Our God."

A mighty fortress is our God,
A tower of strength ne'er failing.
A helper mighty is our God,
O'er ills of life prevailing.
He overcometh all.
He saveth from the Fall.
His might and pow'r are great.
He all things did create.
And he shall reign for evermore.
Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world.  He is the creator of the world.  He suffered and was resurrected for all mankind.  Jesus Christ loves us all.  He went about doing good.  

Who is Jesus Christ?  He is my brother, my friend, my comfort, my hope, and much much more.

Why is He so important to me?
I think about my mother every day. The phrases that provoke me to think about my mother are "O'er ills of life prevailing.  He overcometh all."  This at first seems contradictory that He prevails over ills and overcame them, yet my mother died of leukemia.  I know that He has overcome these illnesses that they will not last forever.  There is a life to come after death.  In THAT life, there is no illness; no one will die again.  But, we must experience sorrow and pain in our mortal life for our immortal life to mean anything to us.

The Savior is real.  He loves me.  He loves my sister, Makenna.  He loves my siblings--Emmett, Cherise, and Griffin.  He loves my father Darren.  He loves my step family.  He loves my extended family.  He loves my spiritual family.  He loves all of my brothers and sisters.  He is a strength to them and to me.

Why is He so important to me? Without Him, I am nothing.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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