Monday, June 17, 2013

On the Coast and Flashbacks

Dear Family and Friends,

I am finally getting pictures to you.  This first picture is my MTC district.  We all were headed to the North Carolina Raleigh mission.  We had one other district in our Zone and they had ten missionaries as well all going to North Carolina Raleigh.  I love these missionaries.  They are some of the greatest people I have ever met.  I don't think that 12 days and 16 hours per day was enough time to spend with these people.  And yes, we all wore blue on purpose.

Unfortunately when we got to the mission home, we found out that some of us would be placed in the Virginia Chesapeake mission which is being formed in July.  Half of the Sisters and one of the Elders in this district will be in the new mission.

My MTC companion is about a month older than Cherise.  We had some great times together.  I can't say that our teaching skills were so great.  During one lesson in the MTC, I introduced a point and then said, "Now Sister Jensen will explain it."  Sister Jensen just looked at me, but then she was able to explain it really well.  She will be in the new mission.  So, I won't be her companion ever again.

Well, my first area in North Carolina is Wilmington.  My companions are Sister Klingler and Sister Shaum.  I believe I may have said that already, but I cannot differentiate one day or letter or email from the next.  This is probably why we have planners.  Actually, I know that is why we have planners. The house is about 20 minutes from the Atlantic Ocean.  We went to the beach with a member today during our preparation time.  Now that the summer is coming, we are going to have to stop going because the tourists are coming.  I don't know what else to say.

Oh yeah!  For the first week that I was here, we had little crabs in our yard.  A dead crab was in the driveway, and I was stepping backwards and crunched it.  Sister Klingler was sad that her crab friend was crushed.  I told her that I was sorry.  We also saw a skinny, black snake slither into a hole in the wall the other day.  We were walking up to the house and it just slithered into the area where the hose is connected to the wall.  There are all kinds of critters out here.
This is a picture of Wrightsville Beach that we walked on today.  It was nice.  

That is all I have to say.  I love all y'all.

Go with God,
Sister Camille Turley

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