Wednesday, December 26, 2012


<-- This is me.  My name is Cami.  Out of adversity, I have learned a lot of things.  Unfortunately, I tend to go back to being the "natural man" and forget what I have learned (Mosiah 3:19).  So, today I will share what I have learned, and hopefully it will help me remember and will help others learn what I have learned.

I don't have control over much, but there are a few things that I do have control over.

I have control of where my feet move.  I have control over what I wear.  And, I have control over how I do my hair.  I have control over the makeup that I put on.  But, I don't have control over how much acne I have or whether my body will start aching.

I have control over who I talk to, but I don't have control over who will talk to me.  I have control of where I go but not over the others that will be there.  I have control over what I think of others.  I have control over what I say.  I have control over what I write down.  I also have control over what information I share.  I do not, however, have control over what happens to information as soon as I share it.  I don't have control of who will be offended by information that I may share, and I don't have control over who will be enlightened by what I share.  But, I do have control over whether I share or not.

I have some control of who I am, but not all.  "We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us, and we love Him" (Young Women's theme).  I don't have control over my Heavenly Father's ability to create or His ability to love.  But, I do get to choose if I love Him.

I have some control, but not all.  I have control over myself.  And even with that control, I need to do some work.  I need to work on controlling myself a little (or a lot) better.  But, in the end, I have control over myself, but I have no control over others.  And, they don't have any control over me.

I am I.  You are you.

So, even though it isn't the new year yet, I have a resolution:  I will be better. 

I will be the best me ever.  I will be the best Cami that I can.

Life is meant for learning, but life is also meant for celebrating.  Let's all have a learning celebration.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Healing Effects of Christmas Music

Monday, September 17, 2012, started with a rough morning.  I got up at 8 a.m., which is the time that my alarm clock starts beeping every morning.  I got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and did a few other morning rituals.  I then looked at the article that I was supposed to read for my class that starts at 9 a.m.  There were several pages.  I decided that I was not going to be able to read that much in ten minutes.  So, I left with a backpack filled to its holding capacity.  My backpack was so full because I had to finish my readings for all of my Monday classes.  I had to have most of my Tuesday readings finished as well, since I knew that I wouldn't have much time after I got home that evening.  I left the house as a grumpy, pessimistic teenager.

I made it to my class on time because I am lucky enough to have an awesome new bike (courtesy of Cherise).  So, I was able to ride down the street and to the Smith Fieldhouse in six minutes with about four minutes leftover to walk into the building and into the correct classroom.  Luckily, my first class went pretty smoothly.  My second class went okay as well.  Though, I didn't have the reading done for that class either.  And, I am always freezing in that class, so that did not help my attitude either.

I then had 3 1/2 hours to do most of my reading and write in my journal and read my scriptures.  I started on the first floor of the Harold B. Lee Library.  I sat in a chair doing my New Testament homework when a creepy looking bug was crawling on my leg.  I calmly flicked it off and resumed my homework.  After a few minutes, another creepy bug was crawling on the arm of the chair that I was sitting in.  It crawled out of my view to shortly crawl back up the arm.  So, I wiped my backpack off, gathered my books and pens, and stood up and walked away.  I continued to wipe off my pants and my back because I was paranoid.  I then climbed the stairs to the second floor.  I entered the Family History area and headed to the far right of the library.  I was then able to start my homework.  I didn't finish any of it.  Also during my 3 1/2 hours of reading, I realized that I had not submitted the topic of my term paper that I have to write for my Human Biology class.  This realization was discouraging.  Why?  The topic was supposed to be submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, September 14.

After my underachieving reading time, I went to my ASL class at four o' clock.  I then had to put my glasses on because my sight was blurry from reading continuously for such a long period of time.  I managed to survive the last class of the day.  I walked home because I did not want to pedal my bicycle up the slight incline with a heavy backpack.  So, I trudged.

Two hours.  I had two hours to eat food (since I ate only two granola bars at school), finish my reading, and type some quizzes for my communications class. 
Throughout all of this time, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., my life was filled with sighs, moaning, heaving, and groaning.  Suprisingly, I had a pretty good sandwich when I got home.  After dinner, I set up my equipment in the family room.  I put my headphones on as I started to type.

I chose to put on Christmas music.  I listened to Mormon Tabernacle Choir, SheDaisy, Josh Groban, David Archuleta, and Mannheim Steamroller.   I want to say that I love Christmas music.  I was able to finish the rest of my day with a better attitude even though I still did not get all of my reading done.

I hope that we can all find our happy place.  It is not always the same depending on the day.  Sometimes, we just have to talk to someone.  Sometimes we may have to go play tennis, basketball, or hockey.  We may just go for a run.  And sometimes, we need to put on some music.  In my case, Monday required Christmas music.

Here are some songs for anyone that may need some cheering.

I am sorry that there are not "fun" videos that go along with the music, but I primarily wanted to put the songs up.  I don't know how to just put the song on the blog, so I am sorry.  Thanks.
Love, Cami
P.S. Today is talk like a pirate day.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Journal Epiphanies

I like to consider myself an avid journal writer.  Unfortunately, I do not right every day, so I am not quite the avid journal writer as others.  But, I was writing in my journal today.  I looked at many of the beginning sentences and end sentences.  I then realized how thankful I am for the words in the middle because my life would not make any sense if I only wrote the first and last sentences.

May 30, 2012--"These are the movies that I have seen so far this summer.... She does her laundry, so I know that she has some good hygiene."

June 25, 2012--"Today is Claire's birthday....I don't think I have to worry about anything."

May 12, 2011--"Yes, I am writing in my journal....Well, I must sleep."

June 5, 2011--"Yesterday was Saturday and also my birthday...But, it is over and for that I am glad."

July 25, 2011--"I don't really have much to say....But, I guess I will eventually find it."

October 2, 2011--"Well, I watched eight hours of General Conference this weekend....Well, now you get to memorize all of the people I have mentioned in this entry."

There are some better ones in my journal, but I can't find them at the moment.  I just am glad that there are words in the middle.  It makes my life seem a little more understandable.

I love you all.  I hope you are doing well.  I don't think you read this, but I love you anyways and still hope you are doing well.  Love, Cami

P.S.  "I like to consider myself an avid journal writer....Love, Cami"

Monday, August 27, 2012

Chocolate brings much Joy

Dear family,

You may have realized that I changed the name of my blog.  I don't know how long this will last.  Maybe forever.  I just wanted to share the quote that was on the inside of one of my dove chocolate wrappers.  I ate the chocolate a long time ago, but the wrapper remains in my scriptures.  Yes, I do have candy wrappers in my scriptures.  But, the wrapper says, "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate."  I really want to celebrate my life more.  I have a wonderful life even if I don't think I do.  I always try to imagine what I would do if I was someone else.  I would hate to be someone else.  I am going through my own trials, and I don't want to go through another person's.  I cannot imagine the strength that others have.  I don't know how they keep celebrating their life.  But, I will keep my own life.  I love being myself and love that I am not you.  I am sorry if that sounds rude to you; it is just that I am thankful that I am I and you are you.  We are meant to be ourselves and celebrate the people that we are.

Thank you for being such supportive family.  I love all of you and am glad that I am able to know all of you.  I hope you are doing well.  Look to the future because you make a difference.  You are the only one who can be you. 

Let's Celebrate!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Sometimes we are Nerds

If anyone has ever wanted to know what I do with my brothers, now is the time to read.  My brothers have many legos.  They have people from “Star Wars,” “Indiana Jones,” “Pirates of the Caribbean,” “Batman,” and other movies.  They also have some regular zombies and one Justin Bieber.  So, we tend to make “scenes” with the lego people.  They are always rather interesting.

The first two pictures are of the girls who flock to Justin Bieber and are upset that his head got sliced off by a monkey with a lightsaber.

For my birthday, I got a Snow White doll (courtesy of Cherise Turley).  I used it for the first time today.  The story is changed some in this scene.  The dwarf on the far left is giving Snow White the apple.

This is an example of one of the Star Wars scenes.  Yesterday, Emmett had a droid army fighting the clone army in the streets of the Lego City.

 The last picture is of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (Voldemort) using Floo Powder in the fireplace of one of the houses in the Lego City.

This is what we do sometimes in our free time.  We are nerds, we know.  But, this fun.  Sometimes the scenes can get a little graphic especially when a seagull has pooped on the head of a Lego person.

Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...