Thursday, September 2, 2021

Time for More Quotes

Hey guys! Here are the quotes from May to August of this year. Some of them might be funny. I think I'm way funnier than I actually am. (Also, lots of quotes I write down because the other people involved laughed a lot.) Maybe some of you will enjoy something in here.

Talking about the Buzz Lightyear ride at Disneyland
Griffin: I don't like the line 'cause it smells like Buzz crack.
(I was told this was an old joke, but I laughed too hard when I heard it this time.)

Griffin: It gives you Diabetes 3.

Cami: Can you sing the whole song while breathing in?
Cami, Sabrina, and Kenzie proceed to say/sing random stuff while breathing in

Emmett: How much space is on this computer?
Cami: I would guess about 20 inches.
Emmett rolls his eyes
(It was only 18.5 inches.)

Cami: My roommates have boys, but I have pockets that my Book of Mormon can fit in.

Cami: Neither of my roommates ate a piece, so I had to eat all the cheesecake by myself.

Cami: Someone lost a lot of sandpaper. And that's rough.

Emmett: One of these years, in like 30 years, we should...

Lady at WDW to her kid: Yes, this is where the dragon farted on you.

Cami: The best picture was you picking your bum.
Emmett: I was putting trash in my pocket.

WDW trip

Sabrina: Oh it's the sterile popcorn.
Cami: Did you say sterile popcorn?
Sabrina: What's the word?
Cami: Stale.
Sabrina: I need to go to bed.
Cami: Well at least we know it's clean or can't have children.

Cami: I'm such an introvert, and it hurts sometimes.

Cami: You can't eat yellow snow, but the brown snow is fine. Bad tips with Cami.

Cami: It's a good thing people don't complain about womanspreading because I do it all the time.

Katie: What are Grape Nuts?
Cami: They're bran turds.

My dad to my older sister:
Cami when she saw the birthday sign: Well... that's lame.

Cami: Two-thirds of my sentences are...
[Long pause and no one can remember the last third of the sentence]

Making dinner
Sarah: I think it's done, and I hope it's good.

When my coworker and I were talking about the construction going on in our building
Cami: And then they deleted the bathroom.

While making a bunch of small, ugly dolls for a prank
Cami: When the Prophet said, "God loves effort," is this what he meant?
Kenzie: That's the funniest thing I've heard all day.

My coworker, busting into the office: I didn't even poop!

Sabrina: It all started when she made me a diaper.

Talking about turning 45
Coworker: What?! Cami, you still have like 85 years to go.

Patient: Bye despicable lady.
Cami: Bye less despicable adolescent.

Talking about my uncle in Australia
Aunt: Do you have his number?
Cami: Does he have an iphone?
Aunt: Well, it's a weird number.
Cami: [Pause] Does he have an iphone?

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Quotes 2023

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