Thursday, September 9, 2021


Hi! My name is Cami. And on this blog, I am known for sharing about some of my social experiments. If you received a QR code that led you to this blog post, that means one or two of two things. That means that you have directly impacted my life for good and/or have impacted the life of someone who has impacted my life for good. Either way, you have impacted my life for good. I hope you know that you are awesome!

Here are some fun facts about me, specifically in relation to this "social experiment." I work in mental healthcare and have been for almost 6 years. I work with people who are at wit's end and are struggling to find hope to continue on in their journey. Sometimes, I get a little down after working every day in this type of environment. And it's a little draining to continue smiling on days that are hard, on days where kids yell at you, on days where you are bad with words, etc. 

The brain is malleable. We can change our brains to think more positively. It takes lots of time and effort, but it's possible. The purpose of this social experiment was to encourage myself to think more positively and to share that positivity with others around me. Saying "thank you" is one of the easiest ways I have found to change my perspective and goodness to others' lives. Several times, I have merely jotted down 3-5 things that I am thankful for each day in my journal. This time I wanted to share my gratitude.

So for this social experiment, I want you to continue to spread the gratitude. Share thanks with others and continue to share this post. I would love if you would comment about your experience. Who sent you a "thank you"? Who are you grateful for? How do you plan to continue to share positivity? What are some of your ideas? (Because I love hearing others' ideas to help me continue as well.) Who is someone who has truly influenced your life positively?

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Time for More Quotes

Hey guys! Here are the quotes from May to August of this year. Some of them might be funny. I think I'm way funnier than I actually am. (Also, lots of quotes I write down because the other people involved laughed a lot.) Maybe some of you will enjoy something in here.

Talking about the Buzz Lightyear ride at Disneyland
Griffin: I don't like the line 'cause it smells like Buzz crack.
(I was told this was an old joke, but I laughed too hard when I heard it this time.)

Griffin: It gives you Diabetes 3.

Cami: Can you sing the whole song while breathing in?
Cami, Sabrina, and Kenzie proceed to say/sing random stuff while breathing in

Emmett: How much space is on this computer?
Cami: I would guess about 20 inches.
Emmett rolls his eyes
(It was only 18.5 inches.)

Cami: My roommates have boys, but I have pockets that my Book of Mormon can fit in.

Cami: Neither of my roommates ate a piece, so I had to eat all the cheesecake by myself.

Cami: Someone lost a lot of sandpaper. And that's rough.

Emmett: One of these years, in like 30 years, we should...

Lady at WDW to her kid: Yes, this is where the dragon farted on you.

Cami: The best picture was you picking your bum.
Emmett: I was putting trash in my pocket.

WDW trip

Sabrina: Oh it's the sterile popcorn.
Cami: Did you say sterile popcorn?
Sabrina: What's the word?
Cami: Stale.
Sabrina: I need to go to bed.
Cami: Well at least we know it's clean or can't have children.

Cami: I'm such an introvert, and it hurts sometimes.

Cami: You can't eat yellow snow, but the brown snow is fine. Bad tips with Cami.

Cami: It's a good thing people don't complain about womanspreading because I do it all the time.

Katie: What are Grape Nuts?
Cami: They're bran turds.

My dad to my older sister:
Cami when she saw the birthday sign: Well... that's lame.

Cami: Two-thirds of my sentences are...
[Long pause and no one can remember the last third of the sentence]

Making dinner
Sarah: I think it's done, and I hope it's good.

When my coworker and I were talking about the construction going on in our building
Cami: And then they deleted the bathroom.

While making a bunch of small, ugly dolls for a prank
Cami: When the Prophet said, "God loves effort," is this what he meant?
Kenzie: That's the funniest thing I've heard all day.

My coworker, busting into the office: I didn't even poop!

Sabrina: It all started when she made me a diaper.

Talking about turning 45
Coworker: What?! Cami, you still have like 85 years to go.

Patient: Bye despicable lady.
Cami: Bye less despicable adolescent.

Talking about my uncle in Australia
Aunt: Do you have his number?
Cami: Does he have an iphone?
Aunt: Well, it's a weird number.
Cami: [Pause] Does he have an iphone?

Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...