Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Prejudice, Privilege, and Spiritual Promptings

I prayed, and God told me to be kind and share my story. This is my attempt to do so.

As an elementary school student, I went to a school with a good percentage of Hispanic kids. At recess, some of the Hispanic girls would point at me (and my sister had this too), and they would laugh and speak in Spanish, so I couldn't understand. Kids are mean sometimes. And I always had low self-worth, so it just established my fear that people don't like me.

In high school, there was a Mexican boy who refused to call me by my name. He referred to me as "white girl" or "whitie." Lots of times I would just say, "I'm darker than you." I said this because he was rather pale, and I tan easily, so my skin actually was darker than his. He was annoying.  There was also a Korean boy that called all girls fat, except for me; he told me that I looked 50 years old. He was in my Biology class and would flip the textbook open to the picture of a penis. Every day. When it actually time to learn about the reproductive systems, we were also given packets. So, he would flip the packet and the textbook open, so there would be multiple pictures of penises on my desk. I wasn't super fond of that. He also was in my chemistry class the next year. One day, he grabbed my desk while I was sitting in it and flipped it over, so I was tossed to the ground. I just was lying on the ground with my desk next to me on its side and the teacher just stared at me. I got up and flipped my desk back over, sat back in my desk, folded my arms, and put my head down. And no one did a thing. Everyone just watched.

In college, I danced in the lu'au every year. And there were always the comments that the Polynesian dancers were looking too white. It was a lu'au to help fund multicultural students, and I helped get tickets sold by dancing, and most of my Polynesian friends loved that I was participating. One year, I had one friend while in the group, a Hawaiian girl. She confided in me that she was sometimes rejected from other Polynesian groups because she looked too white. We were both ignored a lot that year because we were too "white and skinny."

At work, I have been confronted by lots of kids who tell me that they hate all white people. They tell me that I'm racist because I remind them of the rules and expect them to improve unhealthy behaviors. They tell me they want to fight me because I'm white.

I've been hearing the word privilege again a lot lately, usually with the word white in front. I ran into the word 'privilege' while I was listening to talks from church leaders. Joy D. Jones mentioned the Prophet Joseph Smith telling the women of the church, "If you live up to your privilege, the angels cannot be restrain'd." And it made me think a lot about what is happening today and what happened during that time.

The history of the church is wrought with persecution.  People were tarred and feathered, shot in their own homes, and dragged out into the cold.  The people were beaten and killed in front of their own spouses, siblings, parents, and even children.  Their buildings were burned, and they were told to leave.  Yet, Joseph Smith told the women to live up to their privilege. It might have seemed hard to think about privilege when the people of Christ's church were being oppressed.  The law was technically set forth for the freedom of religion, and yet the leaders of the country disowned them and even ordered them out and/or killed.  So what privilege did they have?  What was Joseph Smith even talking about?

Women have the natural capacity of charity, according to the Relief Society notes.  They had strength in numbers and had the privilege to come to the aid of each other.  They aided each other by bringing each other food, caring for one another's children while work had to be done, and helping with the work.  They helped mend clothing and build homes.  They even shared their homes when needed.  They had the ability to teach their children how to love instead of hate.  They taught their children what silent strength was.  And I am a descendant of these women.

I come from a long line of strong women and men.  I have been taught and shown how to help others and to discern others' needs.  I have watched grandmothers take care of the sick and needy when they were also sick and needy.  I saw my grandmothers save and earn to give themselves and the people around them more than what they had before.  I've read the stories of grandmothers who were rejected by family and yet believed in love and caring for others.  I watched my mother be inclusive to everyone and my dad also be inclusive.  I can't say they're all perfect, but they have put in effort to make the world a better place.

I saw a sign the other day in a protest that said, "Silence is violence."  And I have to say I wholeheartedly disagree.  My ancestors have been a demonstration of silent strength.  There is a time to speak up, and sometimes the action is being taken by those who haven't said a word at all. Those who do instead of just say are some of the greatest unsung heroes.

So, let's all use our privilege.  Everyone has some type of privilege.  I've had the privilege of growing up in a home where learning was highly valued.  I had the privilege of growing up in a home where unkind things were not supposed to be said.  I got in trouble a lot for that. I grew up in a home where we were taught how to work hard and be diligent.  I'm not perfect, but I've made great changes in my life.  And I can do better.  I am willing to change, and I hope that I am kind.

"The Lord loves effort, and effort brings rewards." -- Joy D Jones

Saturday, June 13, 2020

"Have Courage and Be Kind" -- Cinderella's Mother

I have always loved fairy tales.  Every time I was at my grandma's home, I would find her giant book of fairy tales.  Some of these tales were a little different from the tales shown in Disney films.  I loved the story of the little mermaid who turned into sea foam because the man of her dreams did not marry her.  I loved the story of Rapunzel, where the man falls into thorn bushes and is blinded by the thorns.  And then Rapunzel heals his eyes with her tears.  I also enjoyed reading Cinderella; however, I always imagined that I was just another ugly stepsister.

In the tales of Cinderella, no one can fit into the shoe that Cinderella wears to the ball.  Many of the tales explain that Cinderella's feet were small.  And it even says that the stepsisters had large feet.  The ugly stepsisters have even been known to cut off their toes or their heels to try and fit into the glass slippers.  I truly felt I was an ugly stepsister because I had large feet.  I started wearing men's shoes in 3rd or 4th grade because men's shoes just fit so much better.  I have even gotten comments from people imagining how much of a difference it would make if I also chopped off my toes.  For other musings on this subject, I suggest Shoe Shopping and Bigfoot's Sister.

For some reason, many of the versions of Cinderella made it seem as though if you had big feet and weren't talented at singing or playing an instrument, you were ugly, annoying, and evil.  So, I often just believed I was along the lines of the ugly stepsister.  I was 7-11 years old as I was thinking these unfortunate thoughts.  I think it's just a developmentally not cognizant of lots of other things going on around me situation. As I grew up, I've humorously said that I am the ugly stepsister.  One would think that gaining a stepmother of my own, I would suddenly transform into the Cinderella, but that is not the case.  My big feet will never allow me to truly become a Cinderella.  I did read a book titled "Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister" and actually quite enjoyed it.

Just a picture I thought was "ugly stepsister" worthy.

One of my favorite renditions of Cinderella has been Disney's 2015 live-action movie. The shoe is merely enchanted to never fit on anyone besides Cinderella.  And the great theme of the movie is "Have courage and be kind."  Having courage and being kind is not easy.  As a stepsister, I have had many moments where I wasn't courageous or kind. I have been quite "ugly" in my behavior.  And I have been rebuked for that.  Even in the movie, there is a time where Cinderella says that she can no longer have courage and be kind.  Cinderella almost becomes an ugly stepsister.  Of course, because it is a fairy tale, Cinderella cannot actually no longer be Cinderella; she must keep her resolve and face the sorrow.

Having courage and being kind gives hope to the once-thought ugly stepsister.  I have loved that in many versions of the tale, at least one stepsister has courage and steps away from the tormenting of her mother and sister.  She has been known even to help Cinderella in some cases.  Sometimes the stepsister can become a Cinderella.  She can find her own story and change.  She becomes just a stepsister; she's ugly no longer.  And that is the hope of the ugly stepsister: perhaps we can become less ugly.  Perhaps we can even be the Cinderella.  It's difficult, and we can have courage and be kind.  So, here's to magical transformations and believing in ourselves and maybe even the help of an unexpected "fairy godmother."

"Have courage, and be kind,"  --Cinderella's Mom

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Quotes: Movies Edition

Griffin: Is Napoleon Dynamite a time travel movie?  Because Uncle Rico tries to time travel.  He's my favorite time traveler.

Griffin: You're too dark to be Princess Leia.

Makenna: What happened to Tortimer?
Cami: He finally turned 300 years old and died.  He taught some kids Kung Fu and drifted away with some peach blossoms.
Makenna: That is not  Tortimer.

Griffin: Guardians of the Galaxy
Makenna: What?!
Griffin: Kardashians of the Galaxy

Sorry there ain't much folks.  Maybe I will record more next year.

Books of 2024

 Hey all! I know I am quite late on a lot of things. Here are all the books that I "read" last year. Audiobooks Ebooks Physical Co...