Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Making Plans for One's Life--What a Joke

My closet has been a suitcase for the last six months.  If you have seen me in that time and thought, "Wow, Cami's clothes are even more wrinkly than usual," it's because they've been stuffed into a suitcase.  I'm here to tell you that I don't know how to make plans for my life, and when I do, they just get destroyed anyway.

My plan was to go to school at ASU and most likely study architecture.  Granted this was when I was in 8th and 9th grade.  That didn't happen.  I went to BYU and studied Recreation Management.

My plan was to go on a mission when I was 21.  That just got bumped up by a year, so I don't know how much that one really counts.

My plan was to do my internship for my Recreation Management program in Arizona or Hawaii and then stay there (or somewhere besides Utah).  Mostly, I was trying to escape Utah (specifically Provo) for the almost six years that I was there.  My internship and following jobs were in Utah.  So, that escape plan failed miserably.

My plan was to find a job as a Recreation Therapist in Arizona and find a place to live away from my family.  And now my closet is a suitcase.  Because I didn't get a job, and I didn't find a place to live.

So why am I writing this?  Because I don't know what I'm doing.  And only two people read this, so what does it matter?  Those two people include me and . . . I couldn't think of anyone to write because my aunt doesn't even read this anymore.  I know because she asked me if I was going to write anything on my blog, and I realized that she hadn't read the last five posts.  So, I'm writing this because sometimes writing things helps me realize that I really am just a bump on a log.  It's exciting.

The awesome thing about where I am right now is that I have several ideas of what I want to do to be a productive member of society.  I have three business ideas, and one of them I could start super easily.  And another could be started super easily.  And the other one is probably not as great, but it's fun to talk about because it's a bakery specifically for people with diabetes who can't eat sugar and carbohydrates.  We have had quite a few good names proposed for this bakery.  What are your name suggestions?  Sorry, rambling, I got excited about the Diabetabakery (Cherise's name suggestion).

I have hope for the future.  Maybe misplaced hope, but I know that someday I won't live out of a suitcase.  I am looking forward to that day.

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