Cami: You just stared at your booger for five seconds.
Griffin: Yeah, what else would I do?
Cami: Throw it away.
Cami: Did you just toot on the cat?
Griffin: Yeah, it scared him.
(I later found out he was not the only one doing this.)
Astri: Guys, I've bee keeping this milk since *sniff* blehhhhhhhh.
Cami: Do you want to see my dirty underwear?
Ami: Yes. Please.
(We found out there was a new style and I had already tried them out. Nonetheless, I feel somewhat ashamed of myself for ever saying this.)
Johanna: Who put an umbrella over the cockroach?
Cami: That was me.
Johanna: Of course it was.
During a muddy, cold hike
Emmett: Help me Siri!
Roommate 1: Did you see how cute [certain boy] was at church? I just couldn't stop staring at him.
Cami: Want to know who I couldn't stop staring at?
Roommates 1 &2: Who?!!
Cami: My dry legs! They're so flaky.
Lari: I just want to swim in this.
Cami: You'll be getting banana cake out of your britches for days.
Cami: How are the overalls working out for ya?
Cameron (showing the straps hanging down): Well they're more like underalls right now.
Emmett: He's a human butt. He's literally a walking butt.
Emmett: The worst kind of correct is technically.
While looking at internet settings and trying to delete password history
Kailon: Betty Crocker has nine cookies.
Cami: We've got to get the coals.
Kailon: You mean the charcoal?
Cami: We'll get the char - coals.
Cami: Okay! We'll just...
Kailon: You're going to say something ridiculous.
Cami (whispered): We'll just starve.
Kailon: I always know you're going to say something ridiculous when you say, "Okay!"
Cami: I should probably see a therapist and get over it.
Carson: You could build a bridge and get over it. An emotional bridge, but I don't know what you would use as building materials.
Cami: Because I don't have emotions.
Carson: Okay! Not what I meant.
Cami: Maybe we should end this relationship because it's kind of negative.
Elise: Cami just broke up with you.
Carson: We haven't even dated.
Emmett: And I left him a note that said, "Please stop. Thanks."
Coworker: How are you today?
Cami: Good. (Then slightly to self) But I do regret my decision to come into work early today.
Kailon just busts up laughing
While flaking the rope after rappelling
Cami: Flaky, flaky.
Kailon: Buttery, flaky crisp.
Just a thought after climbing a little trail: Oh! I made it. That's also probably what I'll say if I make it to heaven.
Elise: It feels like 70, but it's actually 70.
Cami: I need to grow out my hair.
2 minutes later
Cami: I have too much hair.