Sunday, February 18, 2018

My Dating Resume

This blog is dedicated to my family in Utah.  They have all contributed to this idea.  Emmett and Sarah had the original idea.  They told me that I should write about the dating resume.  And Cherise and Brittany really have wanted me to try dating apps, which I would say are similar to a dating resume.  Fun fact, I had a mutual account for three days.  It was rough.  I really don't want to do that ever again.  I have also been told that I am desperate, so I'll go with it.  Here is my process of making a dating resume.

This was difficult because what do you even put on a dating resume?  I copied my actual resume and tried to put in the information that would be pertinent to dating, and this is what I came up with:

Cami Turley
email | phone #

Brigham Young University
Major: Recreation Management: Therapeutic Emphasis
Already Graduated & Have a Full-Time Job 

Certifications & Licenses
I don't think you need this to go on dates.  I think?  Is this something people want to know about me?

Related Experience
I have been on more than 7 dates and less than 20.

Bicycle Riding and Repair
Music: Piano, Cello, Organ, and dabbling on my Banjo
Polynesian Dancing


Yeah, that didn't work.  So, this is where the dating app stuff comes in.  What do people use on dating apps?  Height.  Weight.  Eye Color.  How awesome I look in a swimsuit.  (Seriously, why do people even use those pictures?  Ya nasties.)  I tried again, and this was the second result:

Cami Turley
email | phone #

Biological Information
Hair:  Brown/Blondish
Eyes: Green
Height:  5'7 1/2"
Weight: 150 lbs

Family Information
Parents: Dad, Stepmom; My mom died when I was 15, and yes, I make dead mom jokes.
Siblings: 4 biological, 5 step; I am the second oldest.
Extended: I see them all the time.  Lots of cousins, aunts, and uncles.

Education & Occupation
Recreation Therapist

Bicycle Riding and Repair
Music: Piano, Cello, Organ, and dabbling on my Banjo
Polynesian Dancing
Running Awkwardly in Front of Cars
Making Bird Noises

Life Goals
I would love to be a mom.  If that doesn't happen, I have quite a few things that I would love to do.  I would love to continue to work in Recreation Therapy.  I am applying to Masters Programs currently.  I love writing, as evidenced by my blog and think it would be awesome to write a few books.  I am an avid church goer and plan on going for the rest of my life.  I love God, and He probably has a way different plan for me than I have for myself.  He's slowly letting me in on some of His secrets for my life and eternity.

This will get the boys linin' up to date me.  I think the most convincing part is the dead mom jokes.  Or the running awkwardly in front of cars.  You know, I think it looks great.  I should probably leave the references part in because that wouldn't get weird at all.  Anyway, if this doesn't have the boys lining up, I'll be a contestant on the Bachelor.  Or I'll look into cat adoption.  Or maybe join a convent.  OR I can just live my life as I have been living it thus far.  Being single ain't that bad.  And you know what, I don't think God is mad at me for being single.  I have a lot to look forward to in my future.  I have tons of adventures waiting.  (And I'm only 24, so I have years and years and years.)

Thursday, February 15, 2018

A Few Items of Business

I have a few items of business that I would like to bring to the attention of my beloved fans.  Actually, did you know that I have zero fans?  Provo apartments just have air conditioning.  Weird.  And I don't have a personal portable fan either.  Besides the point.  I want to bring a few things to your attention.  And I want to get your input.  It is valuable to me.

First, my brother added a subscribe button to my blog.  It's to the left and under my picture and name.  If you subscribe, you will get emails from my blog instead of having to check Facebook just to see if I have written anything.  Just joking, you probably check Facebook for other reasons too.

Second, I would like you to comment on this post in response to two questions.  1. What has been your favorite post and why?  2. What topics would you like to see more of?

Third, I hosted a game a few years ago.  It involved eating lunch (of another meal) with me, and if the contestant laughed at anything I said or did, the contestant lost.  If you would be interested in having a reboot of that game and in participating, let me know.  You can comment here or on Facebook or on Instagram or email or text.  Whichever way you think would be best.

That's it.  There isn't a rant from me today; I just want to know what has been blessing your life in this blog.

And just for a random picture, here is a screenshot of a prompt from Facebook:

Quotes 2023

  Joseph : What's your middle name? Griffin : Jon-niel. Josh : When in doubt, it's Joseph's pants. Coworker : Bandit farted, and...