Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Less Active in Ward Council

I'm gonna do it.  I going to single someone out.  Here it goes: WHY is that less active member in ward council?  Why?  Don't you think it is a little awkward that they're here when we should be talking about how to help them?

Actually, just kidding.  Maybe ward council is exactly where they need to be.  Except in this case, that less active is me.  I was the less active member in the ward council.  Some of you may be questioning how valid that statement is.  Well, once upon a time, I had a job that required me to work every Sunday.  The shifts were meant to change every Sunday between morning and evening shift.  Somehow I also got the church time of 1:00pm, which was right during the shift change.  So, the most church I would get each month was two Sacrament meetings.  Sometimes I even left before Sacrament meeting was over.

In the middle of me working on Sundays, I got a calling in which I was to go to Ward Council.  First, is it a thing outside of Utah YSA wards to have the music chair in Ward Council?  I had never heard of that.  I often struggle to know what to say in Ward Council because I have stewardship over those little pieces of paper that are put in the plaque every Sunday.  I'm no Relief Society President.  Don't get me wrong, I love being the Music Chair.  I get to pick songs that people sing rarely.  I get to ask people to play instruments and sing for musical numbers.  I love my calling.  I just find it hard to talk in Ward Council.

So, if I wasn't already feeling useless for being the person without anything to say in Ward Council, I often feel like I fall into the categories of people we need to love and cherish more, to reach out to.  For example, people who don't have friends, people who sit in the back row of church, people who leave right after Sacrament meeting, people who don't attend any ward functions, etc.  I fall into all of these categories.  My ward members would probably say, "Cami, you have friends."  But let me tell you about when I was first in ward council.

I was new to the ward, so I knew no one.  I happened to never make it to ward functions because I was working.  I knew my roommate: just the one that was in the same room as me.  I went to ward council and we would be asked who we knew.  I could list myself.  And my roommate.  That was it.  So, I sat in the second to back row in the chapel at church.  (I'm really bad at initiating conversation with anyone that I don't know and often with the people that I do know.)  There were times where I would go to one hour of church in two months.  I sometimes missed Ward Council.  I knew one person.  Can you guess who it was?  My roommate.  Maybe she should have been in Ward Council.

So, what's the point about me writing about being less active in the Ward Council?  I don't know.  I think I just wanted to share how awkward I feel.  I could tell you about the times where I planned on running away and no one would even know.  I could tell you about the times I didn't go to church last month and people didn't even think anything of it (even though I don't work on Sundays anymore, but who's really supposed to keep track of my schedule?).  I could tell you about how I still don't know what I'm doing in Ward Council.  I could tell you about how people think I know things, but I really don't.

Anyway, the Lord knows more than I do.  For some reason, He calls us to do things that we are not at all prepared for.  Life's an adventure.  Keep exploring.  Don't quote anything I say; it is wise not to.  Believe I'm a heretic if you want to because it's not like it would change my reputation much.  Have a great day.

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