Sunday, February 19, 2017

What Do You Believe and Why?

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about why I believe the things that I do.  First and foremost, I believe that God exists and that His son, Jesus Christ, came to the Earth to save all people.

I believe that through the power of God families can be together forever.  The building in the above picture is where God blesses families for forever. We make promises that connect our families together and to God.

I know that I can see my loved ones who have passed on again.  It will be one great family reunion.

Why do I believe this? Because I  have lost many people that I love and that have listened to me, I have had to find others who will listen to me and help me.  (To learn more about this, you can read Getting Married.)  And when God becomes the only one you can talk to, you get to know who He is and what He wants for you.  God has shown me His love.  He helps me be better than who I already am.  These videos express better the things that I have come to understand.

I would love to have you reply in the comments about what you believe and why.
Also, if you click the orange button to the left of this post, you can read more.

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