Monday, November 24, 2014

The Atonement and Obedience

Dear Family,

I have come to know on my mission that I cannot change in one day.  I simply have weaknesses that I must live with and work on for years and years and years and years and maybe a lot more years.  So, I have learned--especially in the past two weeks--that what is required of me is to be obedient to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  And as I do so, the Atonement will have a part in my life.  Jesus Christ can heal me.  It will be slow in my eyes and get frustrated that I am not changing, but without a doubt, I am slowly being changed.

I have also learned that this means that I will be a stumbling block for others in the process.  I will be their trial that helps them change.  I hate this fact, but 'tis truth.  I may not necessarily be doing anything that is rude, low, or malicious, but I will still be a stumbling block.  I have weaknesses, and I make mistakes.  Others are going to have to live with choices that I have made and will make.  They may not like what I do.  So, they will have to make choices based on mine and learn lessons that are in store for them.  This is the uncomfortable and unpleasant truth of mortality: we are weak.

Luckily, God will let us be perfect in the end if we are obedient to His commandments and rely on the Atonement.

"In a world where sorrow
Ever will be known,
Where are found the needy
And the sad and lone,
How much joy and comfort
You can all bestow,
If you scatter sunshine
Ev'rywhere you go.

Scatter the smiles and sunshine all along your way.
Cheer and bless and brighten Ev'ry passing day."
(Scatter Sunshine, LDS Hymnal #230)

We may have weaknesses but we can still scatter sunshine.  Smile--it's good for the soul.

I love all of you.  I want to apologize for being a hurdle sometimes.  I want to thank you for loving me still.  I am thankful that I have a family that is so kind and generous and patient.  I know that the Lord loves you.  I am so thankful for the Atonement.  I am thankful that I can be more than what I currently am.  I am thankful for infinite chances.  I am thankful for commandments.  I love being a missionary.  I love the people of North Carolina.  And, I love my companion even if she doesn't think I do.  I pray for her and her family every night.  I know that God is watching over them.  He loves them and wants them to be happy.  Keep moving forward, for forward is the best and smartest way to go.  I love you (LOTS). 

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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