Monday, August 18, 2014

The Side Effects of Being a Missionary

Dear Family,

There are a lot of things that happen when you are a missionary.  A lot.

First, we get bad tan lines.  Sorry, the picture might be a little disturbing, but I had to share my scary feet with everyone.  The tan gets worse on the weeks without the car.
Second, I got attacked by fire ants.  Hence the little red dots on the right foot.  The picture wouldn't have been as bad if I took the picture at the beginning of the week.  We were riding our bikes on Thursday, and we stopped at a red light.  The light turned green, and as soon as I lifted my foot to pedal, my foot itched.  I looked down and had ants all over my foot up to mid -calf.  So, I pulled to the side, hopped off my bike, pulled my shoes off and started whacking my shoes on the ground.  It was so itchy!

Third, we often draw the plan of salvation.  It is so wonderful to know that there is actually purpose to this life.  I don't know what I would do if I didn't have goals.  Which is number 4: we make goals always.  We always have a plan for what we are doing next.  And, if we don't have a plan, we soon come up with one.  We have direction in our life.  We have something to work towards.

Fifth, we learn the scriptures very well.  We are constantly comparing scriptures to ourselves.  This week was 1 Nephi 16.  In the chapter, Laman and Lemuel and parts of Ishmael's family "humble themselves" four times.  I was getting really annoyed when I was reading it.  I was thinking, you just did that!  But, I thought about many people in my life that do that (including myself).  It is a lot easier to be patient with people when you love them.  I haven't yet developed a love for Laman and Lemuel, but I love so many people out here and at home that humble themselves constantly.  They make mistakes and have to repent frequently.  Love is so important in the work of God.  Love makes the work so much easier; we have so much greater desire to see people progress.  I am so thankful for the wonderful example of my loving Heavenly Father and my family here on this earth.  I love all of you.  Thank you.

Go with God,
Sister Turley

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